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Chapter Six


My mind was blown as I walked with Ambrose along the path. The homes were quaint and cute; they looked like they could be from any street on Earth. Now that we were away from Cerberus, it was hard to remember that we were in a different world.

Except for maybe the lack of grass in the yards. The paved ground was still pretty, but it did raise a few questions. “If plants don’t grow here, how do you eat?” I asked curiously.

“Eating is a necessity in your world, but not mine. Things like sleep and exercise aren't required either, since physical bodies don't age here. Although many people here rest for comfort or walk for enjoyment."

"You aged," I argued. "Your dad said he got you when you were a baby."

"True, but I'm part god. I'm not bound to human constraints."

"Oh. Well, what about Cerberus? He ate that bird."

"He eats because he wants to," Ambrose answered with a chuckle. "My father brings him treats and the beast will never turn one down."

"Wait a minute." I stopped in my tracks when I realized, "I'm hungry. I thought eating wasn't necessary."

He smiled and explained, "You did not pass on from your world, so you still have your worldly attributes. You are a visitor here until we bond. Then you will adapt to this world."

I walked alongside him again with new questions burning inside. "How do we bond? What does that mean?"

"We will bond by sharing our bodies with one another."

"You mean sex?" He nodded and I raised my eyebrows. We'd done that already.

As if he heard my thoughts, Ambrose replied, "We would need to make love with no boundaries; no protection."

"That's why I had the urge to not use the condom," I thought out loud. Ambrose's eyes grew dark as he swallowed hard and nodded.

"It was your soul wanting to mate with mine. When we bond physically, it will also bind us spiritually. It is similar to an earthly marriage, but it is everlasting and unbreakable. I will never desire another, and you will become immortal no matter what realm we are in."

"Does that mean that I could still live on Earth?"

"I can't bear to be apart from you; it would drive me mad. I need to be close to you always, and I am destined to live here to fulfill my duties to my father. But we could visit the human world through the portals."

It was difficult to wrap my head around everything. Just a few hours ago, I was preparing for a dance; one evening to get out of the house and maybe strike up a conversation. Now I was in Hell with a gorgeous demigod who wanted to spend eternity with me.

But the strangest thing was how badly I wanted it; how ready I was to say goodbye to my earthly life to stay here with him. And it wasn’t just because I had no friends or family who would miss me, and a job that could replace me. I wanted to be with Ambrose more than anything.

"Here we are," Ambrose announced when he stopped in front of a small blue house.

"Is this your place?" It was cozy and cute.

He shook his head. "It is not mine." I narrowed my eyes in question, but Ambrose only lifted his hand to knock on the wooden door. When it swung open, my heart leapt into my throat.

Before me stood a man whom I never thought I would see again; a man who was taller and broader than I, but with blue eyes that matched mine. He blinked in surprise when he saw me, but then a wide smile crossed his lips.

“Marcus. I’ve missed -”

His words cut off when I pulled him tightly into my arms. “Oh James, I’m so sorry. I did this to you. I never should have called you that night. I’ve never forgiven myself. You were the best brother and my best friend, and I ruined your life. I took your life! It should have been me!”

“Hey, hey, shh, shh,” he soothed, pushing me back to arm’s length so that he could look into my eyes. He was blurry through my teary gaze, but I still recognized the stern but loving look he’d given me countless times before. Ambrose placed his hand on the small of my back, and I was grateful for his support.

“First of all,” James stated, “You did the right thing by calling me that night. You were keeping yourself and everyone else on the road safe. I was happy to come for you and would do it a hundred times over. That’s what big brothers are for.”

“But you don’t understand; the person who hit you was one of my friends from the party.”
