Page 13 of Werewolf Daddy

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“I can feel his frantic and scattered thoughts, his fear, and worst of all, his disappointment. He’s going home to hide.” Cross couldn’t help the sadness that permeated his words.

“You’ve bonded, and there isn’t anything stronger in this world than a Fated bond. He’ll be back sooner rather than later, and you have my promise on that.” Lowell’s certainty helped to alleviate some of Cross’ pain but only a very little.

Parc walked over behind the bar and hit the fire alarm. It was time to empty the building, close up for the night, and wait for Autry’s return. Parc and Lowell rushed around instructing other staff to help clear the building while Noa and Ames made sure no one entered and that everyone left. It took nearly an hour to get everyone gone, and now he stood silently with his pack in the main room.

“It won’t be much longer,” Parc commented. “I can feel your energy shifting. It's getting stronger and more focused. Can you still feel him?”

“Yes, he’s frantic and confused, but there’s a calm that is pressing in, and I’m lending support to that calm.” Cross gave a lackluster chuckle and took a seat at the bar. “He can feel me, but he doesn’t understand it.” Cross was trying to remain hopeful, but if Autry didn’t return to him tonight, his wolf might become impossible to control.

He glanced over at Parc, his second in command, letting him know that if things went south that he needed to take the steps necessary to keep everyone safe. Parc scowled and shook his head, not accepting that the worst would happen.

Autry got home tossed his jacket and keys on the floor, and dropped down on the couch in his living room. His heart was beating out of his chest, and his mind was incapable of holding a single thought as images and feeling bombarded him. How could Cross go from being a perfectly normal human being to someone who believed they were a werewolf and that they lead a pack of shifters?

His heart broke at the realization that all his hopes and dreams with this man had instantly gone up in smoke. He was lucky to have gotten out of there when he did, although no one tried to stop him, not even Cross. He let him walk away, but Autry would never forget the look of sadness and loss that he wore. The feeling of having let him down weighed heavy on Autry, but what else could he have done. Walking away was the best thing for both of them, but as much as Autry tried to convince himself, he still felt like he had betrayed Cross.

He rolled from side to side, trying to come to terms with the burn he felt and the drive to go back to talk to him and to work this out. Could they work this out? Was it possible? He couldn’t go back now. It would be too embarrassing if everyone saw him leave. Would he even be welcome back? He should have stayed; he shouldn’t have run. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his hands began to tremble. The need to go back was building, and he found it difficult to stay lying down.

Autry jumped to his feet and began pacing the room. He touched the little scar on his neck, and again he felt the tingle of sensation shoot down his spine, and he broke out in goosebumps. This wasn’t natural, and if he could accept that, then maybe he could accept that there was more to what Cross was telling him. Cross wasn’t a liar, and he wasn’t crazy. There was something going on that was out of the ordinary, and he’d felt it from the moment he’d entered Club Zephyr that first night.

He needed to go back, and they needed to talk. His phone beeped, and he pulled it from his pocket. There was a text from Cross, just one short sentence. ‘Come back to me’ Autry wasn’t aware that Cross even had his number, but there it was, his invitation to try again, and he wasn’t going to pass it up. Even if he was a little crazy, Autry didn’t care. He would work with it. He felt too much for Cross to just leave and never see him again.

They had a connection, just like Cross had stated. Whether it was due to the bite or just nature, it was real, and Autry wanted this man, crazy and deluded or not. He wanted him in his life. He was going to text him back but then decided not to. He would just show up, and they would begin again. Autry felt it in his soul that their lives were entwined, and they belonged together for better or worse. He pulled out his phone and read the text one more time before taking off and jumping back into his car. He was going back, and with that settled and with a new resolve, he suddenly felt right, and his anxiety lifted.

He drove up to the front of the Club, and all was quiet. Surprisingly he managed to find a parking space on the street not far from the front of the Club. There was no one outside, and for a Saturday night, that was extremely unusual. Autry got out of his car and started walking toward the front door while glancing to his left and to his right wondering why it was so quiet.

Autry climbed the few steps and stood on the landing looking inside to the anti-way beyond the door, but he could not see inside the club. He waited but not for long when one of the doormen, his name was Noa opened the door. This was one of the men Cross had described as a bear shifter. His build and demeanor spoke to such a wild soul, but Autry did not consider that for long when the prospect of seeing Cross again was so nearby. He entered and followed Noa inside, and he held the door as Autry entered the main room.

The room was empty except for the men Cross had mentioned as members of his pack. They stood around the room behind the bar near the wall of darkened windows to the left and scattered around the main room; they appeared to be waiting for something. Autry did not speak but stood and waited with them, and then Cross walked into the room from somewhere behind the bar. He looked magnificent. He was dressed now in a light pullover in a light shade of gray and jeans. His hair was swept back from his face, and his eyes were holding him fast and firm.

“I’m sorry I ran,” Autry told him but did not make any movement forward. He wasn’t sure of his welcome yet, but the room seemed sympathetic. Autry didn’t know what to expect, but he wasn’t leaving till they had an understanding.

He watched as Cross stepped forward, and his men moved forward with him just a couple of steps, and they all stripped except for Cross and Lowell. The moment they were all nude and clothing was tossed aside, Cross snapped his fingers, and every man there shifted. The process was instant, and from one moment to the next, they went from men to beasts.

Autry took a frightened step back and watched as Cross stripped, and while watching, Autry closely shifted into the largest, most beautiful wolf ever. He was black with gray around his face, and those striking black eyes were filled with hope and anticipation.

He didn’t run because although he was surrounded by fierce and brutal animals, he did not feel fear. They were no threat to him. He didn’t know how he knew this, but he knew to his bones that he was safe in this room. Cross walked up to him, and Autry stayed rooted to the spot and watched as his mate watched him, and then just as fast, he shifted back, and a very stunning and naked man stood before him.

“This is who we are.” He spoke. “I’m sorry if we frightened you, but it seemed the easiest and clearest way to make you understand and believe.”

“I’m not afraid I’ve never been afraid of you or your people.” Autry took a tentative step toward him, and Lowell tossed Cross his jeans. He quickly pulled them on and held his arms out to Autry.

Autry leapt into Cross’ waiting arms and wrapped himself tight in his embrace. “Thank you for giving me another chance.” He said and then added. “Thank you for not dismissing me.”

“Thank you for giving me another chance Autry, my love, my sweet, sweet boy. Thank you for not dismissing me.” He repeated Autry’s own words. “We still have a lot to discuss, but the major points have been covered. You are my mate, which to a shifter means you are my life, and I will forever love, protect and provide.” He dropped a wet kiss on Autry’s forehead.

“Your position in my life is sacred, and I will know no other from this time forward, and I ask that you make the same pledge. My wolf is a jealous beast, and I don’t want to have to start killing people.” He smiled, and Autry reciprocated as the heaviness in the air dissipated and a sense of peace and light-heartedness took over.

“I will always love and strive to bring honor to you. I can’t promise I won’t, from time to time, make mistakes but know that what I feel for you goes as deep as my soul. I love you, Cross, and am looking forward to nurturing the daddy within you.” He chuckled.

“You are the boy of my dreams, Autry unconventional but always full of sweet and erotic surprises. We will have a beautiful life together that I can promise.” He then took Autry’s lips in a kiss that was branding and its passion and intensity. Autry was left in no doubt as to the level of commitment promised or to the love that was professed. He pulled back and looked down into Autry’s face with a look of pride and possession. “I love you, Autry, and welcome to the pack.”
