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But I’d work all that shit out later. Tonight was my night with Dig, and damn if the food at the world famous Tony’s wasn’t completely amazing. Pizza with a delicate thin, crunchy crust.

I was in heaven. And it didn’t hurt that we were on our second bottle of red.

Slow down, girl.

But seriously, how often does one sit across from a freaking god of a man, consuming mind-blowing pizza and wine, and have him offer not only his real estate services, but also himself and his best friend?

Was Shelle right? Maybe things were beginning to go my way.

“Well. This is…kind of amazing,” I told him. I couldn’t find words to explain how weird his proposal was, and yet how much it turned me on.

He nodded as he handed the waiter his credit card.

“If it’s too much, I understand. We understand. It has to work for all parties involved.” Good grief, it sounded like a business transaction. And then he flashed me his stunning smile. Damn him, he’d made me all gooey inside. I’d thought men like him only existed in the movies. Little did I know they were walking the streets of San Francisco, brokering real estate deals. And eating pizza.

“What happened with your family?” I asked. It was really none of my damn business, but I’d told him my dirt, and if he was comfortable talking about sharing a woman with his best friend, well, anything and everything was on the table.

“You mean why did Carter’s family basically take me in?” he asked.

“Yes. If you don’t mind my asking,” I added, to be polite.

“Well, it’s kind of simple, really. My mother bailed, and my dad didn’t deal with it so well.”

The sadness that settled over his face made my heart break.

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

His gaze held mine. “Thank you. It was a shitty thing to go through, but on the other hand, such a miracle that Carter’s parents stepped up to the plate.” He shook his head as if after all these years, he still couldn’t believe his good fortune.

“That was so generous of them.”

“You’re not kidding. I owe them everything. Carter stuck by me, just like his parents did. It was his mom who got me into real estate.”

I reached for his hand across the table, and when I did, I could swear something shot right up my arm and straight down to my core. I loved how he didn’t take for granted the great family he found.

We walked out of the restaurant to our waiting Uber.

“Your place?” he asked.

To be honest, no discussion was necessary. We knew what we had to do.

He climbed into the car after me, sliding close, bringing my hand to his lips. His gaze locked with mine as he gave me light kiss after light kiss.

Of course, I wanted to go to my fucking house. Or his house. Or anyone’s house. Whichever was closer. How about behind that dumpster over there, in that alley?

“Yeah,” I said softly. I guess that was all the invitation he needed, because in two seconds, he was devouring my lips like he was dying of thirst. The Uber driver could have kidnapped us, that’s how oblivious we were to everything around us.

When we pulled up to my house, we had to part—you can’t very well climb out of a car when you’re sucking face.

And don’t you know, my next-door neighbor and booty call from just a few nights before was just pulling up to his house.

That’s right. Carter Bannon.

Busted. Goddammit.

“Yo, Jayma, Dig. How’re you guys?” he called, grabbing groceries from the back of his truck.

I looked around for a rock to crawl under.
