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“Hey, Car. We’re good, man. Just ate at Tony’s in North Beach,” Dig answered.

“Oh, nice. I love that place,” Carter said with a big smile, heading into his house. “You guys have a good night.”

Dig took my hand and looked at me. Just another day at the office for those guys, apparently.

They were completely unfazed at having run into each other with me in tow.

I, on the other hand, wanted to curl up and die. I fumbled with my key, trying to get inside the house as fast as possible. I pulled Dig in and slammed the door.

“Are you okay?” he asked when I breathed in relief.

Was he really asking me that?

I looked up at him. “Wasn’t it a little weird, running into Carter like that? I feel kind of like I was busted.”

Confusion crossed his gorgeous face. “No. Not at all.”

He reached for my hair and ran his fingers through it. “But I can see you’re concerned. You don’t need to be.”

“If you say so.” If he wasn’t going to trip out, then neither was I. I leaned into him, parting my lips to kiss him.

I was going to relax and enjoy the ride.

He pulled back and looked around the living room. “So this is the place, huh?”

Every person who walked through my front door was amazed the first time they saw the house. Actually, some were still amazed the second and third time they saw its shitty condition. Dig was no different.

I followed his gaze. “Yup. This would be it.” I waved my arm for the big reveal.

He turned back to me and said with absolute sincerity, “It has great potential. It really does. Why don’t you show me the rest?”

Why don’t I just show you the bedroom, where I can tear your clothes off and rub all up against—

Jesus. What was I becoming? A nympho?

Eh, there’d be time to worry about that later.

I brought Dig to my bedroom, the only place in the house not in a complete shambles. Before Lance had bailed, we’d had the room gutted, hung new drywall and trim, and replaced the windows. A nice paint job and a polished floor later, and it looked like something out of a magazine. ‘Course, it was filled with my nice furniture.

Too bad about the rest of the house.

As I looked around the room, my mind wandering to what I was going to do about said house, Dig came up behind me. The moment he put his hands on my shoulders, my stress about the place dissolved into a silly little concern that was a waste of time. There were better things at hand, literally and figuratively.

I arched my neck, letting my head fall into onto his rocky chest. His fingers traveled over my shoulders and down the front of my body, where they stopped at my nipples. Through the fabric of my thin dress, he took hold of them and pulled until I cried out.

Good lord that hurt. But something about it also felt good. And alive—so very alive.

As he rolled my nipples through his fingers, he bent to kiss the side of my neck. I tilted my head to give him better access and don’t you know, his little nips and nibbles were so intoxicating I could barely continue to stand. Without letting go of me, he walked me toward the bed, where he lay me across the comforter onto my stomach.

First, he removed my shoes, and then he undid the long zipper on the back of my dress. With a little wriggling, he worked it up my body and over my head to where it landed on the floor with a little whoosh. That left me in my thong panty and bra. Being facedown, I couldn’t see what he was doing behind me, but I could hear his breath rasping at my undressed state.

The bed shifted with his weight. He’d climbed up and straddled me, one knee on either side of my hips. I was pinned in place.

His hot breath was on my ass in an instant, followed by his lips. They brushed back and forth over my cheeks, getting closer and closer to the thin strip of lace running up my crack. He pressed his tongue into the groove, about driving me wild with sensation. I arched my back to push my bum up to his face, and he let out a soft groan.

“Fuck, baby,” he murmured. “This ass is the stuff of dreams. I can’t get enough…”

He began to slide my thong down my hips, where it rested around the tops of my thighs. This gave him full access to my backside, leaving me in an explosive state. I wanted him to do something—anything—to grant me a little release.
