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They were about ten paces away when he leaned down to whisper in Isabella’s ear.

“You can loosen your hold now.”

Isabella realized she’d been gripping Aaron’s arm so tightly that her fingers had gone white. “I’m so sorry!” She dropped her hold altogether. “I don’t know what came over me.”

“I’m sure it was the talk about your father’s funeral.”

“I’m sure you’re right.” She felt awkward and glanced around, wishing a hole might open up and swallow her.

“You don’t have to stop holding my arm.” He reached out and drew her hand back to his side.

“Thinking about Papi dying is so uncomfortable.” Her eyes dampened despite her best efforts not to cry. “Oh, I’m such a mess.” She reached into her skirt pocket for her handkerchief.

“It’s all right. We don’t need to think of that right now. How about we talk about us?”

His question put all thought of her father from her mind. “Us?”

He was the one who looked uncomfortable now. He ran a finger under his shirt collar. “I thought that might do the trick, but I have to admit I’m not sure where to go from here.”

She shook her head. “I’m not either.”

A large group of squealing children ran past them with pinwheels twirling in the breeze. Their laughter and excitement made most of the people around them laugh, but Isabella only felt more confused.

Aaron pulled her away from the vendors and all the hubbub to one of the side streets. It was quieter here, although not by much, as a band of strolling musicians had started up not far from them.

Isabella gave a nervous laugh and dabbed her eyes. “It would seem that everyone is conspiring against us.”

“It would seem that way.” Aaron shook his head and began walking again. “I suppose we could head back to your house. It’s pretty deserted on that mountain road.”

“Especially when the mine’s shut down. However, I think we’ll be just fine walking here by the houses instead of right on the plaza.”

“I suppose we will.”

He looked straight ahead, and Isabella thought he seemed to be searching for words. She decided to take pity on him.

“My father believes we are meant for each other. How do you feel about that?”

He stopped mid-step. “No easing into the conversation, eh?”

“No need to. We are both big on honesty, so why play around with words?” She smiled. “If it helps, I’ll go first. I never intended to marry anyone but Diego Morales.” Aaron frowned, but she continued. “However, in better understanding who he really is, I could see that my desire to marry him was built on nothing but lies. I was relieved when my father sent him away, because I realized I didn’t want to marry him. I didn’t love him. In fact I didn’t have any feelings for him whatsoever, except maybe feelings of contempt.”

“I see.” Aaron started walking again, and Isabella carefully kept step with him. “So Diego is gone for good?”

“Yes. Happily so.”

“I’m glad. I could see he only cared about what he could get for himself. I don’t think people like Diego ever really love anyone but themselves.”

This time Isabella stopped. She turned to look Aaron in the eye. “I don’t care who Diego loves.”

“Nor do I.”

She smiled. “See. There’s one point on which we agree.”

They began to walk again. The light was starting to fade, and Isabella knew it wouldn’t be much longer before Aaron would need to pick up her father. If they were going to have any meaningful conversation about their relationship, they needed to get on with it.

“Aaron, do you have feelings for me?” She paused and added, “Besides your irritation when you showed up in California to bring me home.”

To her surprise, he stopped and pulled her into his arms. She hadn’t anticipated kissing Aaron Bailey that day, but it wasn’t at all to her distaste. Neither was the cologne he wore. Funny how she found it so appealing now.
