Page 10 of The One You Want

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Maggie’s gaze dropped to the table, then met Rose’s again. “I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want you to get sucked back into the drama here, but my mom did mention a few times before he died that it looked like your mom and Poppy weren’t faring well. At first, she thought it was just them missing you, but then, well, I guess she thought it was something more.”

“He didn’t have me to pick on anymore, so he turned on them. Mom admitted as much. The breakfast table in the kitchen had to be replaced.”

Maggie tilted her head. “He was always abusive with all of you, but I didn’t think he was that kind of destructive.”

“You know I left because he’d begun to escalate. I was his main target. I foolishly hoped removing myself would make him leave them alone.” She’d been desperate and naïve.

Maggie squeezed her hand. “Don’t feel guilty for saving your life. You and I both know if you hadn’t left when you did, things would have been much worse.”

Maggie knew all her secrets, even the darkest ones.

“Enough about all that. It’s your special week. You’re getting married!” Rose smiled brightly, because she was truly happy for her best friend.

Maggie beamed. “Can you believe it? It seems like we just met and at the same time like I’ve known him forever. Of course, he’s great. Always trying to sweep me off my feet.”

“So when do I get to meet him?”

“Marc and Gray got into town about an hour ago. They checked into their hotel and should be meeting us here any minute.”

Rose raised a brow. “Marc isn’t staying with you at your parents’ place?”

“He’s trying to be all romantic about us abstaining and building anticipation for our wedding night.” Maggie rolled her eyes.

“Oh. That’s... sweet.”

Maggie burst out laughing. “I guess.”

“Spill it. What’s bothering you?”

“I’m... frustrated. In the beginning, our sex life was amazing. We did it all the time, everywhere. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other. And then, things cooled down.”

“As they do in relationships after you’ve been together for a while.” Rose hoped that was all it was.

“Of course. It’s expected. And when we are together, it’s almost like it was in the beginning.”

That “almost” made Rose raise a brow again.

Maggie waved it away. “It’s really fine. Everything is fine. Just wedding jitters. Everyone gets those, right?”

“Right,” Rose readily agreed.

“I mean, I’ve been so caught up in planning the wedding, stressing over the reception seating chart, the food, the cake, arrangements for family coming in from out of town, my dress...” Maggie picked up her margarita and took a big gulp. “It’s been a lot. And while I love Marc, he’s been no help. Lots of encouragement. ‘You’ve got this, babe.’ ‘Whatever you want is fine with me, babe.’” Maggie sighed. “Is it bad that I kind of wish we’d just eloped?”

Rose shook her head. “I bet every bride feels that way at some point. But just think, in one week, you’ll be married. Instead of Maggie O’Connor, you’ll be Maggie—” It occurred to Rose that she’d either forgotten Marc’s last name or simply didn’t know it at all.

Maggie jumped off her stool and waved her hand. “There they are.”

Rose followed Maggie’s line of sight and caught her breath at the man walking toward her. Tall, broad-shouldered, stretching the dark blue button-down shirt across his chest, the sleeves rolled up over strong, well-defined forearms. Dark hair swept back in soft waves and greenish-blue eyes that locked on to her in a way that held her completely enthralled. She’d never felt a punch of awareness like this. One that had her awash in attraction and a need to get closer.

His sumptuous mouth tilted in the slightest grin and hiseyes brightened like he knew all the dirty thoughts playing in her mind.

“Isn’t he gorgeous?”

Rose jolted, realizing she was lusting after Maggie’s fiancé. Before she pulled herself together, the man was standing right in front of her. Just a little too close, considering he was marrying her best friend.

Maggie brushed past her and threw her arms around... someone else.

Rose couldn’t look away from the man in front of her.
