Page 43 of The One You Want

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She shook off the notion. It had to be someone who looked like him.

Paula handed a shoebox to Rose.

“What’s this?” she asked.

Maggie loved a surprise. “Something to say thank you forspending this week with me and for you to wear with that killer dress.”

Rose opened the lid and gasped. “Maggie, they’re gorgeous.”

Maggie had picked out the silver heels, with the straps that crisscrossed over the toes and foot and wound once around the ankle, specifically for Rose. Now the shoes would highlight Rose’s gorgeous legs and feet.

“They’re sexy, but you’ll probably hate me by the end of the wedding because they’ll be killing your feet. Though I’m sure Gray will be all too happy to give you a foot massage.”

Rose sat to exchange her wedge sandals for the strappy heels.

“Who’s Gray?” Nancy asked.

“He’s Marc’s cousin and the best man,” Brenda filled her in.

Maggie grinned at Nancy. “He and Rose are totally into each other. They’ve already had their first date. Brunch this morning.” Maggie beamed at her best friend, so happy that she and Gray were getting closer. After the wedding, they could all spend time together as couples. She’d get to see Rose more often.

Rose met her mom’s inquisitive gaze. “I met him last night. We hit it off. It’s new. But there’s definitely something there.” The blush on Rose’s cheeks and excitement in her eyes said it all. Rose was smitten.

Maggie couldn’t be happier to be the person who brought them together.

What a story it would be to tell their grandchildren how Maggie had fallen in love with Marc and introduced her bestfriend to his cousin and they fell in love and got married, too. Their children would be family by blood and she and Rose would be like sisters as they’d always been.

That little daydream made her smile.

“That’s wonderful,” Nancy said. “You’ve never really shared anything about your personal life.” There was a lot of joy and regret in her words.

“There’s not a lot to tell about Gray. Yet.” Rose stood and showed off the heels. “These are actually really comfortable. I love them.” Rose gave Maggie a huge hug. “Thank you, Mags. You didn’t have to do this.”

“I wanted to. Besides, I wanted to be sure you looked your best in all the wedding photos,” she teased.

“Everyone will be looking at you,” Rose assured her.

Paula fluffed out the skirt of Maggie’s gown and stepped back, checking her out to be sure everything looked right. “It’s perfection on you,” she declared.

Maggie brushed her hands over the lace and her fluttering stomach. “I love it.”

Paula clapped her hands together. “Then I’ll help you out of it and we’ll get it back into the bag for you to take home for your big day.”

Maggie looked at her mom, Nancy, and Rose. “Can you believe I’ll be married by this time next weekend?”

Her mom brushed away a tear. “I’m so happy for you. You’re a beautiful bride. You’ll be such a great wife and mother.” She turned to Nancy. “Where did the time go?”

Nancy sighed, her gaze filled with fondness. “It seems likeyesterday we kissed them good-bye outside of their kindergarten classroom, and the next thing I knew we were sending them off to college.”

Maggie caught the guilty look in Rose’s eyes. She’d left for college and never come back. Until now.

Nancy had to be feeling like she’d missed so much of Rose’s life. She probably didn’t recognize the person Rose had blossomed into away from home. Away from her family. On her own.

It broke Maggie’s heart to think about Rose’s past and how different her life had been back then, while Maggie had loving, understanding, and supportive parents who’d never hurt her.

Remnants of the scared, broken little girl Rose used to be remained deep inside her.

She’d asked if it was crazy to feel the way she did about Gray. Maggie heard what Rose didn’t ask but felt all the same. Did she deserve it?


Maggie believed with her whole heart that Rose deserved every happiness.

And so did she.

She hadn’t settled for half the life she wanted. She’d held out for more.

She found the right man. Soon they’d have children.

That’s the life she wanted and couldn’t wait to have with Marc.
