Page 94 of The One You Want

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Rose hooked her hand at the back of Poppy’s neck and pressed her forehead to Poppy’s. “I love you. If you doubt everything else, always know that you are loved.”

Poppy choked back the tears and pulled Rose in for a fierce hug. “I love you, too.”

Rose’s phone beeped with another incoming text.

“You better answer him before he thinks you’re ignoring him.”

“He knows I’m with you. It’s fine. But I am tired. I think I’ll turn in. See you in the morning.” Rose walked down the hall to her room.

Poppy stepped out into the hallway. “Rose.” She waited for her sister to turn back. “I know you protected me as long as you could growing up. Thank you.”

Rose nodded, wiped away a tear, and went into her room.

Poppy backed up into hers, closed the door, and turned tothe poppy painting, her heart filled with love for her sister and a sense of well-being she hardly recognized but welcomed all the same.

Possibilities. She barely slept that night imagining what her life could be, the life Rose believed she deserved. A life Poppy had finally opened her heart to living to the fullest.
