Page 72 of Feel the Rhythm

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A jump with my legs extended to the sides, my hands reaching up to the ceiling.

A roll down to the floor, lying on my stomach and reaching with my arms and legs in opposite directions.

Sitting on my knees, my chest contracting and hands clasped at my heart.

My mind kept going back to one person.


Maybe they weren’t his burdens, but he wanted to share them with me. Why did I push away the one person who tried to make my load lighter? Not financially, like his donation to the studio, but by being the support I needed. Because this wasn’t a burden only one person could manage.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I moved and felt the music. Finally, I couldn’t keep going. Gasping for breath, I sat down on the floor cross-legged, eyes closed, swaying to the beat and allowing the tears to fall freely.

The music ended. Thea sat next to me and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay?” she whispered.

I nodded. “Better than I’ve been in a long time.”

After more crying and thanking Thea, I headed out of the studio with all the costumes loaded in my car. I dialed Scott’s number, and he picked up right away.

“Hey, Ives,” he said. “How was everything at the studio?”

“Great, actually,” I said, my heart lighter than it had been in months.

“Oh, yeah? How did your conversation with Lisa go?”

I had forgotten about talking to Lisa. “She wasn’t there. But . . . we need to talk.” This was a conversation I wanted to have with him in person.

He paused. I imagined him swallowing and running his hand through his hair. I must not have sounded very positive. “It’s good, I promise,” I reassured him. “Can I pick you up and we’ll hang at the beach?”

He exhaled. “Sounds great.”

Fifteen minutes later, I pulled up in front of Scott’s apartment and texted him to come out. I watched him come down the stairs, a little awestruck that this incredible, handsome man, the guy I had crushed on all through my teenage years, was here withmeand lovedme.What crazy universe was I living in?

He opened the door. “I’m a little offended that you didn’t come up to my door like a gentleman would.”

I laughed out loud. It felt so good. “I’m sorry. My dating manners left the second we stopped dating.”

He brushed his hand down my cheek, suddenly serious. “I hope that never happens again.”

“Me, too,” I said. His eyes crinkled as he smiled with relief. He must have thought I was going to tell him to back off. It was the exact opposite.

We drove to the beach without talking, listening to some old Justin Timberlake. Even though it wasn’t Scott’s favorite, I was grateful he humored my music tastes. He left his hand on the nape of my neck, lazily making circles with his fingers. Fire burned where he touched, but I tried to stay calm and concentrate on driving.

When we got to the beach, we sat on a bench overlooking the ocean. The same beach we enjoyed our picnic at a few months ago, when Raelynn and Derek found us.

“I danced today,” I began.

He turned his head to me. “What do you mean? I thought you were there to see Lisa and pick up costumes.”

“I was, but Lisa wasn’t there. Thea was, though.”

“Oh, yeah? More costume stuff?”

I shook my head. “She was dancing. And she’s incredible. But it wasn’t just her technique, it was her soul and her heart. She asked me to dance with her, and I feel like it loosened up a lot of things that I’ve kept buried.”

“Don’t you dance all the time?” he asked.

I looked out at the ocean, watching the waves roll in and out, just as I had when I was at Amy’s house. I took a deep breath in, then let it out with the rhythm of the waves.
