Page 78 of Feel the Rhythm

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“Everyone, back away!” Amy and Scott’s dad yelled at the camera. “Give Fern some room!”

Stunned, I turned to Amy. “Did you know about this?”

“Nope.” She looked as dumbfounded as me. “He really likes you, Fern. Not sure why, but he does.”

We all burst into laughter. Even if he didn’t know my name, maybe their dad wasn’t so bad after all.

The camera panned around the room, catching people’s reactions. Ruby King was mortified, probably because her two children were caught up in drama with the serving girl who had fainted. The Taylors looked bored, at best. Ethan followed the action, but probably only because he was worried for Amy, now that they were friends. I was interested to see Blake’s reaction, but she wasn’t featured. I hadn’t seen or heard from her since that night, so I’d probably never know what she thought. Not that I really cared. Vicki was still there with the Taylors, though, and the cameras caught her telling Rhonda Taylor that I was her daughter’s coach. She looked worried, and my heart softened a little more towards her.

Maritza Sanchez was still up on stage, but Stella gracefully guided her to the stairs and pushed her (gently) off. Stella gathered herself quickly and announced into the microphone that they would soon serve dinner and begin the silent auction. That got the audience to mostly pull themselves together.

The rest of the episode was filled with Maritza Sanchez upset that her moment had been upstaged by my episode and vowing that she would get her chance with Brent. My mom rolled her eyes.

“Are you worried at all?” Hannah asked them.

My dad shook his head. “The truth always comes out. Besides, we asked Bethany Stone to help represent us in case of future attacks from anyone on the show. I think we’ll be fine.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. Just then, my phone started buzzing nonstop.

“What is that?” asked Katy.

I checked my phone and saw that my dance Instagram account was blowing up.Saw your latest move on True Trophy Wives! We miss you Ms. Ivy! Hope you’re feeling better!

“Looks like everyone has seen the episode now,” I said with a sigh.

Scott squeezed his arm around my shoulders. “We’ll get through it together.”

I smiled up at him. “We will.”
