Page 75 of Tasting the Doctor

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The New Year


There was a good chance I was going to forgive Oliver the moment I saw him at the door, but I wasn’t going to make it easy. Not until he said he loved me did I really feel myself begin to heal.

And now he is over me, touching me, kissing me and it’s like my world is tilted back onto its axis. My hands are a flurry of movement as I get him naked, my fingers eager to touch his skin. It must be the same for him, as quickly we are flesh to flesh.

His hands caress and knead and grip me. His mouth kisses, suckles and licks me. But what I want…what I need is to be a part of him.

“I need you,” I gasp as I pull him to me and open for him.

“I’m here…I’ll always be here, Charlotte.” His voice is full of emotion and I think it’s the first time I’ve truly felt loved by a man.

“Don’t make me wait.”

“Whatever you want, it’s yours.” He settles his hips along mine and in one smooth thrust, he’s inside me. It’s glorious. I feel my broken heart finally fuse back together.

I wrap my legs around him and hold him to me, savoring the feel of him pulsing with life inside me.

He looks down at me. “I love you, Charlotte.”

Tears fill my eyes because I’m so incredibly happy. “Thank you for coming back.”

His eyes get misty. “I’m so sorry I left. I won’t ever again.”

I want to believe him. We’ve only known each other since Halloween and been together since Thanksgiving, but I know deep in my heart, he’s the one for me. The rational part of me knows that emotions and hormones are likely fueling his words, but that’s okay.

He kisses me and then he begins to move, and all thoughts leave except one; Oliver. Oliver filling me. Oliver loving me. Oliver bringing me exquisite pleasure. Oliver pushing me up and up until I teeter on the edge.

“Now, baby, now,” he says hoarsely. “Fuck, I’m coming.”

I let go and when he plunges in again, I fly with him and it’s beyond what I could have ever imagined making love could be. We move together, drawing out the pleasure.

“Yes, Charlotte…yes,” he chants as he pumps inside me.

I rock with him as we ride out the storm and slowly return to calm. “I love you, Oliver. I love you.”

When we’re done, he holds me and finally, finally, I’m whole again.

He lifts his head. “I need you to know something.”

Instinct has me guarding my heart as my experience suggests that those words aren’t always followed by something good.

He kisses me as if he knows. “I love you. I’ve never meant those words as much as when I say them to you.”

My wall disappears and I stroke his cheek. “Me too.”

He smiles. “I don’t deserve you, Charlotte, but I’m not strong enough to let you go.”

I pinch his ass. “If you leave me again-”

“I won’t. I promise.”

He rolls us and nestles me against him. “You’re stuck with me, baby.”

I plan to hold him to that.
