Page 76 of Tasting the Doctor

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It goeswithout saying that this Christmas is one of the best I’ve ever had. We don’t have a tree. We don’t have presents, but somehow we make do. Oliver gets the brilliant idea of unwrapping me. I find a ribbon and wrap it around his dick, so I have something to unwrap too.

The next day, Theo calls him to let him know he’s home, but Oliver tells him he’s busy and hangs up on him. He comes over to the window seat holding a bottle of spices over his head.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“It’s the closest thing I can find to mistletoe.”

I laugh. “I think mistletoe is a fungus.”

He thinks for a moment. “Do you have mushrooms?”

“Come here.” I grab his t-shirt and pull him to me. Before we can get completely naked, there’s a knock on my door.

I groan. “It’s probably your brother.”

He frowns. “Why is my brother visiting you?”

“He’s probably with Madeline. You should answer the door. I think he might like that.”

Oliver gives me a kiss and tugs his t-shirt back in place, then heads to the door. He looks through the peephole.

“I told you I’m busy,” he says as he opens the door.

Madeline lets out a little squeal. “We should go, Theo.”

“Yes, you should go, Theo,” Oliver repeats. “I’ve still got more making up to do.” The door shuts.

“Oh my God, did you just shut the door in their faces?” I ask as Oliver returns to me, pulling his t-shirt off.

“Yep. He’d do the same so I don’t feel bad about it.”

* * *

On Halloween,I attended Paige’s party and met a man I’d underestimated and eventually fell in love with. Now, I’m back at Paige’s for her New Year’s party on the arm of the man I love. The last week we spent mostly holed up in the condo. I did have a few clients, and Oliver, instead of going back to Dr. Kramer, applied to a reconstruction surgery unit at a local hospital, and the feedback was positive.

“If I’d known you’d look this good in a tux, I’d have forgotten all about the plastic surgeon thing,” I say as he approaches me with a flute of champagne.

“I wish I’d known that sooner.” His gaze rakes over my body. “You look very sexy in that but I have to say, I still like the Rosie the Riveter outfit.”

I know anyone looking at Oliver would see a man with lust in his eyes, but I see more. I know he desires all parts of me, even the parts that frustrate him. I feel the same about him. In fact, the other day, when I was irked about something, he simply undressed. I told him that wasn’t fair, but since it worked, I was sure he’d do it again. Oh well.

“I know it’s cold, but do you want to go out on the terrace?” he asks.

“Sure.” I follow him out and he’s right, it’s bitterly cold.

He takes his coat off and wraps it around me. “I just wanted a minute with you alone.”

I grin up at him, forgetting the cold because I love it that he’s so open with me. “Kiss me to keep me warm.”

He smiles as he pulls me to him and kisses me. He continues to hold me when he lifts his head. “Much of this year really sucked for me,” he says.

“I hope it was before you met me.”

“You know it was.”

“Mine sucked too. Then Zorro swooped in and saved the day.” I must be a little tipsy, but I don’t care. I am so wondrously happy.
