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‘We get to know each other properly,’ he said. ‘There’s no rush, we’ve got all the time in the world.’

‘Perhaps we could go out to dinner, just the two of us?’

I’d like that.’ He beamed at her. ‘And afterwards I’m going to bring you down here and kiss you until you beg for mercy.’

‘Just kiss?’

‘Unless you’ve got a better idea?’

‘Oh, I most definitely have,’ she murmured, ‘but it’s not going to be easy. You live with Beverley and I live with my parents.’ She sighed wistfully.

‘It won’t be forever,’ he said. ‘Both our living arrangements are in flux.’

‘Have you decided what you’re going to do?’ she asked.

‘I’ll still carry on with the odd job stuff, but what I really want to do is to train dogs. Especially problem ones. What do you think?’

‘I think it’s a wonderful idea.’

‘I hoped you’d say that. Beverley thinks it’s a good idea, too, but I wanted a second opinion. Setting it up will keep me busy for a while.’

‘Need any help?’

‘Absolutely! I’m going to need a website, for a start, then there’s the advertising, and handling bookings, and I might have to think about hiring a space where I can work with dogs and their owners away from their homes. I’m out of touch with technology and I wondered whether Jake might like to earn some pocket money? Izzie, too. Under your supervision, of course.’

‘Ask him,’ she said. ‘I think it’s a great way to keep him occupied, but he might lose interest after a while.’

‘I just want him to get to know me, and to trust me,’ Ron said. ‘After all, one day we might be a family.’

‘That reminds me,’ Annabelle said, once her heart had stopped thumping quite so hard at the heady thought. ‘Kate is already talking about everyone getting together at October half term for a few days – an autumn holiday. What do you think?’

‘Will it be as eventful as the summer one?’ Ron asked, grinning.

‘According to Kate, it probably will be, because the one we’ve just had was a typical family holiday for them.’

‘I can’t wait,’ Ron said. ‘I want to spend all my holidays with you. In fact, I want to spend every single day with you. I realise we’ve only known each other for a few weeks and we’ve got a long way to go, but—’

‘It doesn’t matter,’ she said, getting out of her chair and sitting on his lap. She wound her arms around his neck, her mouth close to his. ‘I love you, Ron.’

‘And I love you,’ he replied, and as his lips met hers, Annabelle knew she would never stop wanting to hear him say the only words that truly mattered.


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