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Corrine looks sharply at me, then softens and directs her gaze on Juniper. “I’m sorry. She’s right. I just don’t want people to think there’s something wrong with girls owning their sexuality.”

“Hashtag feminism,” Kayla says half-heartedly. She glances at me and I know what she’s thinking, plain as day. She agrees with Corrine, but if Juniper feels bad, she’s gonna be Team Juniper.

Corrine slides off. “I’m going to get a soda. Do you guys want anything?”

It’s hard not to see her embarrassment when I know her face so well. She’s fleeing, hoping we forget that she made things uncomfortable and offering something as an apology. It’s classic Corrine Annalise Baker.

“Water, please,” Kayla says, as the designated driver.

I smile, but it’s tight. “Same. Thanks.”

“I’ll go with you. I need some ice.” Juniper slides off the couch, cup in hand. She offers Corrine a smile and rubs her back as they walk away, talking. Somehow Corrine did something wrong and Juniper is the one consoling her.Sounds about right.

“I’m going to ask her out,” Kayla says, turning toward me, her knee bent into the back of the couch. “Don’t tell Corrine—she’s already an eight-count away from planning our wedding.”

I smother a laugh. “I won’t. Is Juniper interested in girls?”

“I have no clue.” She frowns, rubbing the end of her braidagainst her palm distractedly. “But I have to ask her. I’m in love.”


“I said it was bad!”

“What about the band?”

She groans dramatically. “There are other non-terrible guitarists in the world. You were right.”

“You guys will find someone to replace him in no time. I’m sure Hayley knows someone from school; she’s in a ton of music courses, right?”

“Yeah. But do we kick him out? Let him quit when-slash-if I start dating Juniper?” Her wide eyes bore into mine.

“He’s a douche. He sent a dick pic. Kick him out.” I grab her hand and squeeze. “Find someone who isn’t a dude to play guitar and you guys can finally evolve into your final form.”

“Why the hell didn’t I think of that? Or Corrine? It was weird that we had a cishet guy in the band to start with.”

She shifts a little closer to me and lowers her voice. “But speaking of Corrine. Is everything okay?”

“I think so, why?”

“Just, like, at her house and now... She didn’t see your face when she brought up sex, but I did.” She raises an eyebrow. “Are you and Holden hooking up?”

“Oh my god,no. We’re just friends.” I shake my head a little. “I mean, we’re barely friends. We’re just working together for now. It’ll be over soon.”

“Well, he keeps staring at you. Your friend.” Her brown eyes flick somewhere over my shoulder, then lock onto mine again.“I’d probably get that settled before Corrine comes back. Not that there’s anything wrong with beingfriends. She did dump him, after all, and she’s moved on.”

“There’s nothing going on between us.” But I turn, planting both feet on the floor. “We’re supposed to film some party stuff, though.” I look behind us, but can’t see him anywhere.

“He went into the dining room.” She gestures with her head to the adjacent room.

“If they ask, I’m—” I sigh. “I’m working on the documentary. I’ll be back, okay? I’m not bailing again.”

“I miss you being around,obviously, but the Probation mostly came from Corrine.” She lowers her voice again. “I think she’s jealous? Like, not even of you. She’s jealous ofhim.She misses you.”

Guilt fizzles in my stomach. “That’s weirdly sweet and I’ll take it.”

“I felt like maybe, earlier, the conversation was headed into a Big Important Moment and it didn’t seem like you were ready for it. Or maybe Corrine was wrong?”

“I... don’t know.” I just know I can’t talk about it right now. It’ll make it real and I don’t want to get ahead of myself. “The sooner I get all this done, the sooner I can be around you guys all the time and make you wish that I had another documentary to work on.” I take off my jacket and leave it with her, picking my bag up from the floor.
