Page 15 of Powerfully

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“Kris!” I scream as he continues to move his fist in and out.

Everything feels so intense, and the orgasm feels like it’s never going to end as I shatter into a million pieces. My only thought is he’smine. Wave after wave of pleasure sweeps through me, but it’s too much. I’m trying to pull him away, but his mouth ravages me in the most extraordinary way. I want him to stop, but at the same time, I don’t want this feeling to end. His hand withdraws, and I sag backward on the couch. Kris moves to lie beside me. I’m breathing hard, and my brain is fried as his fingers trace lines over my body.

We stay like this for a long time. Occasionally, Kris places a feathery kiss on my face, but it’s as if he knows I am shattered.

“Are you okay?”

Smiling, I nod.

“Didn’t hurt you?”

I shake my head.

“Do you want to do it again in the future?”

“Yes,” I whisper instantly.

“Good.” He kisses my temple, rolls off the couch, and holds out a hand to me. “Think you can walk?”

Placing my hand in his, I let him help me to my feet. My knees are weak, and I stumble with my first step. Kris chuckles and sweeps me into his arms.

“Come on, Mrs. Livingston, time for some sleep. We have to be up in a couple of hours to make our plane.”
