Page 23 of Powerfully

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Chapter Eight


It’s late by the time we get home. The lights up the driveway are on, as are the outside house lights. We drive past the guesthouse, but it appears to be dark. I get out of the car first and hold out my hand to Athena. She’s tired and nearly drifted off to sleep on the drive home. In her hands, she’s clutching a yellow notepad, which I’m assuming is filled with her latest story.

“Why don’t you go for a shower while I get us some food?”

Athena opens the front door to our home and stops inside the door. “Are you sure? I could do it.”

“Nah, go shower. You look beat.”

Clutching my jacket with both hands, she kisses me and leans back a little. “Best husband ever.”

“And don’t you forget it,” I whisper.

Athena tilts her head to the side and grins. “Never.”

As she walks away from me, I shut the door and head for the kitchen. There’s a note on the counter.

Spaghetti sauce on the stove is on low. Boil some water, put pasta in and let it cook for ten minutes. Drain and serve with sauce on top.

Enjoy – Shannon.

Stirring the sauce, I pull out the spoon and sample it. The rich tomato flavor with a hint of garlic is tantalizing on my tongue. It’s nice to come home to a cooked meal, especially one that didn’t come from a restaurant.

Following Shannon’s instructions, I boil water and then put the pasta in.

Todd clears his voice, and I look up to find him only a few feet from me.

“Jesus, I didn’t hear you come in.”

With a hand to the back of his neck, he smiles. “Sorry, I could see you were engrossed. I’m supposed to tell you to put salt in the water when you cook the pasta.”

“Should I throw it in now?”

Todd shrugs. “I have no idea.”

Not wanting to mess with Shannon, I open the pantry and get the salt shaker. I shake it a couple of times over the water.

“Somehow, I don’t think that’s enough.”

I shake it a couple more times and look at Todd, whose face is all screwed up, so I put a small handful into my palm and throw it in. Todd tilts his head to the side, so I shake the container above the water.

He holds up a hand. “That should do it.”

“It seems like a lot.”

Todd smirks. “Can you have too much of anything?”

“Yes, and salt is one of those things. Isn’t it?” I ask, gazing at the bubbling water.

“Not in this instance. So how was the honeymoon? Did you two have a fabulous time? Was Johnny there? Did you bring me home a present?”

Laughing, I set the timer and move around the kitchen island to sit on one of the stools closer to Todd. “The honeymoon wasn’t long enough.” Glancing at Todd, I feel my lips turn down, and I run a hand through my hair. “I’m worried Athena thinks it should’ve been longer.”

Todd shakes his head and sits. “No, I don’t think so? She’s been worried about not finishing that book, so I think she was glad it was a shorter break. Besides, she said you were going to take her on a longer break when filming wrapped up.”

“Todd, I know she’s your best friend, but something’s up with her. Athena’s nightmares are back.”
