Page 35 of Powerfully

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“She told you?” questions Todd.

“Yeah. What are we doing about it?”

“The Rivera family works for the Perez family, better known as the Diablo Syndicate.”


Todd's lips turn down. “Predominantly.”

“How do you know?”

Todd shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “When Athena first told me about what happened to her, I looked into them.” He shakes his head. “The Rivera family are small men on the totem pole, but they have worked for the Diablos for a long time. Well, their family has.”

“Which means?”

Todd scowls and tilts his head to the side. “Which means if the Perez family decides to back the Riveras, you two are in for a world of pain.”


Even though it’s early in the morning, I open a bottle of brandy and pour myself a small glass. The liquid burns as it travels down my throat and to my stomach. I grit my teeth at the warm feeling.

Todd smiles at me and points to the coffee machine. “Would you prefer a cup of joe?”

Staring into the amber liquid, I nod. “Yeah, it’s a little early for alcohol.”

“Didn’t you just come back from your friend Johnny’s house? Isn’t he known for being an anytime drinker?”

Laughing, I shake my head. “Lots of rumors about him, very few are true. He’s an intensely private guy. Next time he’s in town, I’ll introduce you. I think you’ll be surprised.”

Todd pours us a coffee, his face taking on a grave expression. “How much did she tell you?”

My lips go into a hard line. “Athena hasn’t told me everything.” I flick a hand at the door she and Shannon left through. “Right now, she’s running away by leaving with Shannon, and I let her. Maybe it’ll give her time to think things through and finally tell me everything. Do you know why she’s so apprehensive about telling me?”

Todd looks down, his expression becoming thoughtful. “She’s scared of losing you.”

“What?” I jerk my head back and stare at him.

“You heard me. You left her once before when you unceremoniously decided what was best for you two. Athena is terrified you’ll do it again.”

Todd adores Athena. I know she shares her deepest secrets with him, and at times it pisses me off, but surely, she knows, especially now, that I’m devoted toher.

To us.

“Did she tell you this?” Scrubbing a hand over my face, I begin to pace.

Todd holds out a mug to me, and I take it from him. “No. I’m making a calculated guess. She’s had to overcome so much in such a short time. Sometimes I think she’s putting on a good show for you, so you won’t worry.”

“For fuck's sake, Todd. Athena is my wife. She’s my everything. If something is worrying her, it’s worrying me too. Together, we need to make sure she knows that. No more fucking secrets, either.”

Todd’s mouth falls open, and he holds a hand to his chest. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means, Todd, if mywifetells you something that’s troubling her, you tell me.”

Todd does a double take and shakes his head. “I won’t betray her trust.”

“I get you’re her best friend. I love she has you, someone to share her intimate, scared, flawed secrets with, but Todd, I’m her husband, and if Athena can’t or won’t share those with me, what kind of life will we have? My wife, my life partner, needs to open up even if I have to use a crowbar to pry it out of her.”

Todd’s mouth falls open, staring at me without saying a word. After what feels like an eternity, he slowly nods. “Okay.”


“Yes. I’m not going to share the day-to-day stuff, but if she’s harboring doubts about you or is scared or in fear for her life, then yes, I’ll tell you.”

Todd is a good person. He’s devoted his life to service and helping others. He might be a small-town deputy, but I know he does more than enforce the law in Boothbay. My dad has told me more than one story about him helping the less fortunate. Sometimes he lets them know it’s him, and other times, he does it anonymously. Boothbay is a small town, and Todd might think he’s helping without people knowing, but keeping secrets in Boothbay is nearly impossible. For him to concede that he may need to betray Athena’s confidence to help her is huge.

Reaching out, I awkwardly pull him in for the briefest of hugs. “Thank you.”
