Page 50 of Powerfully

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Clive stands and joins me at the bar. “What are you going to do?”

“No fucking idea.”

Athena walks back into the room, holding up my cell phone. “Babe, you have a call.”

I take it from her, walk toward the back of the house, and continue outside onto the patio. “Hello?”

“Kris, it’s Thomas Silverback.”

“Mr. Silverback, how are you?”

Thomas Silverback is my lawyer and has overseen most of my legal matters.

“Good, good. I’ve been going over your contract. If you don’t go into work for seven days, they can legally replace you.”

“I was told to stay away.”

“Don’t. As for the negative press you’re receiving, we’ve begun proceedings against three of the media outlets, and one of them has said they’ll issue a retraction and pay you damages to the amount of fifty thousand dollars. Personally, it’s not enough, and I think we can take them for a lot more, but of course, it’s your call.”

“Wait, you want me to go to work?”


“Even though they said not to.”

He sighs. “Yes. It’s a ploy they’ve used before. Trust me when I tell you, you should go to work even if they don’t do any filming with you. Make sure you talk to everyone, even if it’s for an hour, then go home. That way, you’ve done your due diligence, you tried to work, and they chose not to use you. We’ll either get a payout, or they’ll put you back in.”

“Mr. Silverback, I don’t want a payout. I want to do this movie.”

“Hmm…” I hear a clucking sound. “We’ll see what we can do. What about the offer?”

“Take it. I don’t care about it. Donate it to a local homeless foundation.”

“Kris, if you’re donating it, let’s see if we can get more money out of them.”

Mr. Silverback might sound as though he’s doing it for the foundation, but we both know he’ll get a percentage on top of the retainer I pay him.

“As always, I’ll leave it up to you.”

“And just while I have you. You got married without a prenuptial agreement. Are you mad?”

Laughing, I say, “No. I’m in love, and I’ve known her forever. Besides, Athena makes a lot of money selling her books. I’m sure her team is as flabbergasted as you are that she didn’t get one either.”

“Still, we should sit down and work things out.”

“No, but our wills should be updated.”

Mr. Silverback again makes another clucking sound. “Yes, we should do that at the very least.”

“Is there anything else?”

“No. Go to work. I’ll let you know if we have any problems. Good night.”

I end the call and walk back into the dining room. All eyes come to me.

“Apparently, I’m to go to work in the morning.”

“Has the studio or Andy reconsidered?” asks Athena.
