Page 9 of Powerfully

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“Thank you, and thank you so much for coming.”

Dottie, who always looks immaculate, waves a manicured hand in my face. “We wouldn’t have missed it for the world. You know you’re one of his favorite actors to work with.”

Andy shakes his head and rolls his eyes. “Dottie, don’t go giving away all my secrets.”

Dottie laughs. “As if he didn’t already know.”

I’ve been incredibly lucky to have worked with Andy on five films. Number six begins production in ten days.

“You’ll be ready for filming on the fifteenth?” asks Andy.

“Sure will. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Oh, Kris, does Athena mind only having a short honeymoon?” asks Dottie as she looks out over the crowd to where Athena is swaying to the music.

“I tried to get her to postpone the wedding until after we’d wrapped up, but Athena didn’t want to. It’s fine, Dottie. We’ll have an extended vacation when we’ve finished.”

Dottie looks up at Andy. “You’re a hard taskmaster.”

Andy looks up at the night sky. “It’s not me. It’s the studio. It all comes down to money and deadlines, Dottie. You know that.”

“Ahh, yes, the almighty dollar.”

“Kris, please help me?” asks Andy.

For a man who dominates any set he’s on, he’s a pushover when it comes to his wife.

“Dottie, I promise Athena doesn’t mind.”

Athena wraps an arm around my waist and stands beside me. “What don’t I mind?”

Kissing her nose, I say, “That we’ve only got a week away together before I have to go back to work.”

Smiling, she shakes her head. “I have a book due. Well, actually, it’s overdue, so I can’t really afford the time off either.”

Frowning at her, I say, “You never told me that.”

Athena shrugs. “I’ll catch up. The publishing house doesn’t realize I haven’t sent them the complete manuscript. By the time their editors get to the end of my book, I’ll have it done and can send it to them.”

“Ahh, you cheated,” states Andy.

Athena nods. “Sure did.”

Andy holds out his hand to me again, and I shake it. “We’re off. Thank you so much for allowing us to be part of your special day.”

“Thank you both so much for coming,” I reply.

“It meant so much to us you could be here,” gushes Athena.

Dottie embraces Athena and then me. “It was lovely.”

“We’ll walk you out,” I say as we all walk together toward the front of our home.

As we make our way through the house, I notice the decorators went overboard with the pink and white theme. There are flowers, ribbons, and balloons seemingly everywhere. Opening the front door, there are two security guards who turn around and nod at me.

“Thanks again for coming, and we’ll see you on the fifteenth.”

Andy smiles. “Athena, you’re welcome on set any day. Have a great honeymoon. Where are you going?”
