Page 20 of Win My Heart

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During photos, I manage to keep my distance from Wade. The photographer gets several fun group shots, shots of the guys with Morgan, and us girls with Dex. Since some of the bridal party is coupled, she gets photos of Simon and Gia, as well as Link and Ruby. There’s a moment when the photographer gestures toward me and Wade, but I shake my head furiously at the notion of us getting pictures together. Wade just chuckles and I move away from him. If he realizes that I’m trying to avoid him, he isn’t saying anything, and I appreciate it.

Once the photog has declared that she has all she needs, we head to the reception, where the rest of the guests wait. The DJ does a fun introduction, announcing all of us as we come in. Then we all sit at the head table at the front of the room and are served dinner. After dinner, someone hands both Gia and Link a mic, and the two of them give the funniest and most emotional speeches I’ve ever heard at a wedding. I peek over at Ruby, who’s a hot mess of tears and smiles. I’m right there with her, though.

Gia talks about how meeting Morgan right after her world was shaken up was a blessing. That even though Morgan’s mom isn’t here, she’s watching from Heaven and would be so proud of the woman she’s become, and she would have loved Dexter. Link breaks up the heartfelt moments with his whip-smart mouth but then manages to get the tears flowing again, saying Dex is the brother Link never had but always wanted. That he knew from the moment Dex laid eyes on Morgan that he was gone for her, and he effectively lost his best friend to the best woman he could have ever imagined for his friend.

I’m glad when the best man and maid of honor speeches are over, because I don’t have any more tissues tucked away in my clutch. Then, the DJ takes their mics and announces the first dance.

While Morgan and Dex dance to the most romantic version of “I Can’t Help Falling in Love” I’ve ever heard, I make my way to the bar. Waiting for my cocktail, I notice Wade at a nearby table, leaning down and talking to a beautiful woman in a dark teal dress.

I know by the back of her blonde hair, the hand she has placed on his forearm, and the soft smile on his lips that it has to be Billie.

I let out a sigh as I take a drink of the cocktail placed before me just seconds ago. This is going to suck, watching him with her tonight. Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone saunter up to me.

“Bernie, have I mentioned how sexy you look tonight?” Matt, who’s tall and adorably cute but just a little too full of himself, leans into me and puts his arm around my shoulders and squeezes.

I lean into him, not wanting to be rude, but I know I’m going to have to be more firm with him and his open flirting. But I’ll think about that tomorrow, because Wade’s eyes have found us over the crowd.

I give Matt my attention.

“I heard the funniest thing today,” he whispers in my ear.

I grin to give off the illusion that I’m loving what he’s saying. There is a little niggle of regret that I’m using Matt to make myself feel better about Wade.

His lips brush the outer rim of my ear. “I heard that we’re here together. But then I remembered that when I asked you, you told me we should attend as friends.”

I gulp and fight like mad to keep my smile in place. He leans away from me, and I glance at him and see that he’s wearing a smirk.

“I might be young, but I’m a smart guy, so I’m assuming you’re either telling people that we’re here together because you want someone to leave you alone, or you want to make someone jealous. So which is it, Bern? Personally, I prefer if we make someone jealous tonight.”

I take him in and realize how much fun he is and hope that someday he finds the perfect woman. He absolutely has some growing up to do, but he’s a good guy. He keeps his arm slung around me, but it’s not uncomfortable. I sigh, making the decision to let him in.

“I wouldn’t say I’m making anyone jealous, but more like keeping myself from being jealous.” I look away from him, surveying the crowd as the first dance comes to an end.

“Ah, so we are making some schmuck jelly, then. I dig it. And I support this.” He laughs, following my gaze.

I shake my head. Like my other teammates, he only hears what he wants to hear. The hazards of working with cocky men.

“Shall I guess who the lucky guy is, or will you just tell me?” Matt asks, a pensive look on his face.

I really don’t want to share more. “It doesn’t matter.” I shrug my shoulder, and his arm drops.

“Hmm. I’ll figure it out before the end of the night.” He stuffs his hands into his pockets. He’s wearing dress pants and a button-down shirt, his sleeves rolled up. He’s an attractive guy, but my eyes are drawn back to Wade.

Out on the floor, Morgan dances with her father. I know Dex will dance with his mom next, then the DJs will ask everyone to join them on the floor. Technically, this would mean I would need to dance with Wade, but…

Rushing out the words, I ask Matt, “Will you dance with me? When we all go out there in a few minutes?”

Smug. It’s the look on his face when he lifts his shoulder causally. “Sure, Shnookums.”

“Nope.” I shake my head.

He laughs and reaches out a hand to stop me from walking away. “I’m kidding. I don’t know who we’re playing tonight, so I don’t want to miss out on an opportunity to make anyone jealous.”

I stifle another sigh before leveling him with a look. “No pet names. No kissing. Just dance with me when I need you. Hang around with me, talk to me, keep me company.”

“So act like your boyfriend with no benefits.” His eyebrow raises.

“If you’re up for it,” I challenge him.
