Page 24 of Win My Heart

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As far aswedding receptions go, tonight’s wasn’t horrible. I’m not a big wedding guy, but seeing my little brother get married made me feel things. Gushy, emotional things. I’m not about to jump feet first into finding a wife, but it did get me thinking that maybe it would be nice to find someone special.

The reception came to a close a few minutes ago. Most of the out-of-town party guests have already left for the hotel a few blocks away. The bridal party, minus Dex and Morgan, have already left for the after-party Simon and Link have been planning for months. And when I say planning, I mean they ordered a keg and have been talking about how they’re going to sneak it up to the penthouse suite without the hotel management finding out.

The only ones left at Adler besides me and Billie are my parents, Morgan’s dad and his girlfriend. I was supposed to head over to the party, but when Billie saw my parents packing things up—centerpieces, leftover favors, and gifts—she insisted that we stay and help. I didn’t mind. I’ve stuck around many times after a big event to oversee cleanup and tear down.

Once we have everything packed up, it’s divided up between all of us. I have the gifts, and Billie and I will take them back to Morgan and Dex’s apartment tonight

Now, my parents and Mr. Lawson and his girlfriend sit at one of the tables, laughing and chatting. The staff moves around the large reception hall, cleaning and tearing down tables and decorations. The head of private events seemed to feel pretty bad about double-booking the wedding and has done everything to make it the best it could be for Morgan in such a quick turnaround. The manager informed them, “Take a few. You’re in-laws now. Enjoy a drink without pressure. It was a successful day.” So that’s what they’re doing. Good for them.

Billie reenters the space after excusing herself to the restroom. Having already said my goodbyes, I meet Billie before she gets too far into the room.

“You ready to load these puppies up and head back to my place?” I wave to the cart of boxes overflowing with gifts.

“You bet.”

My car is pulled around and we load up the back seat. Once in the car, Billie sighs.

“That was a wonderful wedding.” Her tone is light.

“It was. Thank you for being my plus one.”

“Meh, it wasn’t a hardship. You clean up well.” She leans her head against the leather seat.

We’re quiet for a few moments before she speaks.

“Want to know what my favorite part of the night was?” she asks. I glance at her, and she’s looking expectantly at me. The lights from the street don’t mask the intensity of her stare.

“The chocolate chip cake? Don’t think I didn’t notice you had two pieces.” I chuckle. It was good fucking cake.

She hums, and I’m sure she’s thinking about it. “You know I have a thing for cake. But no, my favorite part of the night was finally meeting the famous Bernadette Ross.” Her tone is teasing.

My eyes narrow on the road before me. “She’s not famous. And really, that was your favorite part of the night?”

“What? You don’t think she’s worthy of being a favorite?” Her tone is still light, but it takes on a hint of something else, something with an edge.

I’m a little taken aback by her line of questioning. “No, not at all. Bernadette is amazing. She was one of my favorite parts, but I’m just surprised she made your list, too.”

While Billie has been one of my closest friends for several years now, we don’t talk about the people we date often. Mostly because the people we date end up not being very important. Not that I’ve ever mentioned Bernadette in any way other than her being Dex’s friend and teammate.

She makes a noise like she wants to say something more but decides not to. Then she decides to. “If she’s so amazing in your eyes, why haven’t you ever pushed for anything more than friends?”

Her question is innocent enough, but I don’t risk looking at her or I’ll probably see the evil glint in her eye. She’s given me a calculating look before when Bernadette has been brought up, but she’s never pushed. Until now. I suspect she’s always wondered about Bernadette and my relationship.

I grip the steering wheel and buy myself some time. “What do you mean?”

She lets outs a huff. “I saw the way you looked at her today. You wanted her.”

It’s my turn to refrain from commenting and just grunt in reply.

“Oh yeah, and while I was sneaking another small piece of cake, don’t think I didn’t notice the way you looked every time that other gamer boy was near her.” Her tone is smug, and I decide it’s getting hot in here, so I turn the air up a little. “Oh, and he’s getting uncomfortable. Me thinks he’s got a thing for the sexy gamer girl.”

I roll my eyes. “We are not talking about this.”

“Hell yes, we are, Wade.” She shifts in her seat, her body turned toward mine. “You like her. You like her a lot. And I want to know why you don’t go for it.”
