Page 74 of Win My Heart

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“I’ve been getting phone calls. So many phone calls. This guy, wanting to meet up. I was thinking about getting my number changed. Emails too.” I stare into the bar top, all of it hitting me hard in the face. “Private messages on my personal accounts. Letters.”

Ruby tightens her hold on my arm. Link mutters another round of curses and grips my shoulder, shaking me slightly. I turn to him and his face is clouded with rage.

“Bernie, how long has this been going on?”

I shake my head. After clearing my throat, I tell him, “Months.”

Ruby lets out a whimper, and Link’s face turns redder. “Why didn’t you tell anyone?”

“I… I mentioned the calls to Matt just today. I didn’t connect the dots. Do you… Do you think it’s all connected?” I start to feel a bit light-headed. Oh god, why didn’t I realize what was happening?

“Bernie, this is not okay,” he grounds out. “You have to talk to us about this kind of shit.”

I nod, but my eyes aren’t even focused on him anymore.

“You have to go to the police, Bernie.” Ruby stands and yanks my arm a little. It shakes me out of my fog, and I look at her. “If you have a stalker, which it sounds like you do, we need to get the police involved.”

“Come on, we’ll go right now,” Link says as I stand on autopilot. Ruby clings to me, almost like a bodyguard, pushing people out of the way as we leave. I didn’t give Todd a tip. I’ll make sure to do it next time I’m here.

Do I even have my phone? My purse? Everything is a blur. I look over my shoulder, and Link is right behind me, his hand hovering at the small of my back, my purse in his hand.

I’m in a haze of confusion, and I can’t pull myself out of it. How did this happen? How did I attract a stalker?

The question on repeat the rest of the night as I re-explain everything to the police:How could I let this happen?
