Page 21 of Summer Cursed

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After a few minutes I decided not to bother with Liam. He was not my Alpha. I did not have to abide by his demands. When the car showed up, I just wouldn’t get in. Mr. Fraser and his manservant could suck it.

Right when I pulled into my driveway, I got a text from Isaac asking if I wanted to hang out. The invitation to dinner at Liam’s still aggravated me, so I wasn’t in the mood to see anyone.

No, thanks. Tired after a long day, I replied before turning off my phone altogether.

After an extra-long run, I put on a pot of tea and ran a bath. I stopped in the third bedroom I used as a library to grab a book. Library may be a strong word for five bookshelves with a couple of cushy chairs and a table, but it’s mine and I love it. Prepared with a book and the teapot, I slid into the tub, ready for a night of me time. The tea was good, but the book wasn’t holding my attention.

My mind kept returning to Fraser and his arrogance at just assuming I’d get all dolled up and join him for dinner. As if I’d want to spend an evening with him. It’d be the quietest most boring dinner ever with his two-word responses and stupid smirks.

Though part of me—a part I hated—thought those smirks were sexy. I groaned and slid under the water hoping to clear my head of the Autumn pack’s Alpha. It didn’t work, and soon heat was pooling in my core.

My hands moved over my body, enjoying the slickness from the bath oil. Tiny prickles of desire rose along my skin as I cupped my breasts in my hands. My hips wriggled when I tweaked my nipples, and I moaned as Liam’s image took over my mind. It was his fingers pinching my nipples harder, making me bite my lip at the jolt of pleasure that hit my center.

The memory of him leaning over me in my kitchen, the fierceness I saw in his eyes made me even wetter as the image changed to him bending me over the counter… My hand lowered between my legs. Draping my leg over the side of the tub, I inserted two fingers, imagining they were Liam’s cock slowly moving inside me.

I moaned, moving my fingers to my clit as the image changed again, this time to his head between my legs. I imagined it was his mouth working me into a frenzy instead of my hand. Picturing him looking up at me as he made me come with his mouth had me coming in real life, and my cries of pleasure echoed through the room as the waves of my orgasm pulsated through me.

“Damn, Mr. Fraser,” I said, caressing my breasts as I recovered from the most intense self-induced orgasm I’d ever had. After a few moments, I pulled the drain of the tub and grabbed a towel.

Because I suddenly wanted to see if the real Liam could make me come that hard, I was worried if I spent more time with him, I’d let that fantasy become reality. So, after some internal debate, I decided I would petition the other packs’ Alphas about speaking with the women Chris had assaulted. Isaac would back me up. I didn’t need Liam.

Opening my laptop, I started drafting a letter to the Winter and Spring Alphas. I got three quarters of the way through when I remembered the women hadn’t originally reported it to their Alphas. And they’d only recently gone to Liam. He hadn’t mentioned if they’d told their own Alphas yet. I hadn’t asked that direct question so of course he hadn’t offered it up.

I didn’t want to reveal such delicate information to the Alphas if the women didn’t want them to know. Nibbling my lip, I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Liam asking him.

He replied: Will discuss tomorrow.

“Dick,” I hissed as I shot off another text. Yeah, about that… I can’t make it.

The little dots showing he was replying appeared then disappeared. I waited a few minutes, but they never came back.


I resisted the urge to text him again. Rich boy was probably used to getting his way. Well, he wasn’t getting it this time. Nope. Not gonna happen. I wasn’t about to give him the pleasure of knowing he’d won.

Pamela and Jocelyn knew who the others were. But there was probably no way they’d tell me their names.

“Fuck,” I said as I went to my closet to find something ‘appropriate’ to wear.

Not that I was giving in. Nope. I was doing what I needed to, to get my way.

Yeah, that’s it.

The next evening, Philip was waiting at the door when I arrived. I hadn’t waited for Liam’s car to pick me up. I wanted my car there in case I wanted to leave. I’d half expected there to be other cars in the driveway. I was hoping it wouldn’t be a one-on-one thing, but it seemed that’s what it was going to be.

“Miss Steele,” Philip said with that little bow of his head. “You look lovely.”

“Thanks. I’m glad you approve.” His eyes twinkled as I took his offered arm to let him lead me to his Alpha.

The sound of my heels hitting the marble tiles echoed through the long hallway as we walked. I’d been here a few times and had only seen Philip and Liam. As big as the house was there was no way it was this clean without a full staff.

We came to a set of double doors. Philip slid his arm from mine to open them, revealing a dining room so large it could fit two of my houses inside. He led me to a chair at the far end of the table. A place setting sat in front of the chair, and another sat at the head of the table.

“Please, have a seat. Mr. Fraser will join you shortly.”

“I’ll stand for now, thanks. You know, he told me he doesn’t like when we call him Mr. Fraser.”

Philip smiled. It was small but a smile, nonetheless. “Yes.”
