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Leo uttered nary a word as Georgina slipped from his side and off the settee; she was instantly chilled without his body heat. The fire had long since died to embers, barely emitting any warmth. Outside the window behind Leo’s desk, the night was slowly ebbing away, turning the sky a misty gray color, signaling that dawn wasn’t far off. She’d fallen asleep without meaning to, comfortable in the circle of Leo’s arms, secure in the warm cocoon of his office.

Time now to return to her life outside this room.

Hours would be spent, she was sure, on examining every aspect of this evening, even while Leo was likely inclined to forget her much sooner. Shiny baubles tended to lose their luster once bedded. He’d never answered her question about whether they were friends. An answer of itself, she supposed.

Naked, she walked to Leo’s desk, feeling his eyes on her as she picked up the marker giving the holder possession of her body for an evening. Why couldn’t he have just returned it to her? Or better, why hadn’t she taken the damned thing and burned it immediately? Wagering herself had been fruitless. She’d lost far more to Leo than Beechwood Court.

“Stay, Georgie.” The husky baritone floated around her.

She didn’t answer. And she really needed him to not call her Georgie again.

Georgina walked across the room and tossed the marker into what was left of the fire. When it was finally no more than ash, she turned back to face Leo.

“I don’t think so,” she said, straightening her spine. The motion kept her steady as cracks formed across her heart. “I hate that piece of furniture.” She nodded at the settee, the object of her true ruination. “You look like you’re lying in a pool of blood.”

He scowled back at her, clearly not caring for her tone. “Stay.” This time it was more command than request.

“I’m not a dog, Mr. Murphy. I also don’t answer to ‘heel’ or ‘lay down’.’”

“You did last night,” he snarled, not trying to hide his annoyance.

“I simply followed the dictates of the marker.” She kept her response cool, somewhat surprised he’d allowed any emotion to bleed into their parting. But Georgina refused to reply in kind. Leo couldn’t even admit tolikingher. “You succeeded in bedding me. You won the wager.”

Just look at him.Beautiful and naked, partially aroused. Regarding Georgina as if she were all that mattered in the world, which was so tragically far from the truth. Leo was very good at making women feel adored, Georgina could testify to that fact. Her mistake was in assuming she was different from any other woman he’d brought here or bedded. She wasn’t.

“I realize other women might respond to such commands, but I’m not one of them. I hope I provided you sufficient challenge tonight.”

“We wanted each other. I don’t understand why you’re so bloody angry with me, Georgie.”

God, please stop saying my name as if I am dear to you.

“I heard no complaints earlier when you climaxed. Repeatedly.”

“No complaints at all, Leo. I enjoyed myself immensely.” There wasn’t any reason to lie. Her legs shook as she approached the pile of her clothing. She twisted her hair, trying to put the curls into some semblance of decency with what few pins she could find.

I’m sure I look like a prostitute.

Leo stood and came to her aid, the awareness of his naked body so close to hers causing her skin to prickle. He pushed aside her fumbling efforts, helping her dress efficiently without so much as a sound, his touch as impersonal as any maid’s.

“You’re very good with women’s clothing.”

“I’ve had loads of practice.”

Georgina stiffened at his tone, wanting out of this room before she lost what little control and dignity she still had. She moved away from him, taking her cloak from the nearby chair, struggling to put it on. She was suddenly desperate to leave.

He took the cloak from her and gently laid it over her shoulders. “If there is a problem later, you will —”

“Not bother you at all,” she shot back before he could finish. “I understood your instruction perfectly well. I have taken it to heart.”

He tried to kiss her, and Georgina stepped away, heading for the door.

“I want you to stay,” he said again, a look of determination on his handsome features.

Leo was used to being obeyed.

Unfortunately, Georgina was inclined toward disobedience.
