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Whispers echoed against the marble floor at her entrance. Georgina hadn’t been out in society very often; this was a rare appearance. Considering the stir she created, it wasn’t any wonder she kept to herself.

God, she’s beautiful.

The lower half of his body tightened pleasurably.

And mine.

His eyes traced every curve, and because this was Georgina, there were dozens. Leo remembered each one, all smelling of spring and something wild.


Whether she wished to be or not.

Leo had the urge to throw his coat over her shoulders, hide that spectacular bosom, and carry her away.

She surveyed the room with a mulish tilt of her chin, a dare to anyone who might challenge her. It was a familiar gesture that filled Leo with savage longing.

Ah, Georgie. I’ve missed you.So much.

A gentleman, expertly tailored evening clothes hugging his tall frame, appeared at her side, his fingers curled around Georgina’s elbow.

“Who’s that?” Leo bit out.

“That’s Mr. Cooke,” Miss Schuller whispered. “He’s—”

Touching her.

Leo blotted out the remainder of Miss Schuller’s pretty speech as he sized up the gentleman holding Georgina’s arm. Her lover? Or something more?

Above average in height, taller than either Leo or his brother, athletic. Expensive clothing. There was an emerald pin stuck in the snowy whiteness of his cravat. Still, it wasn’t enough to wash away the mud of the streets Leo could practically see clinging to the hem of his coat no matter how much he tried to hide it.

Leo could always spot a fellow mongrel.

Miss Schuller’s voice was nothing more than a muted hum in Leo’s ear as he struggled to compose himself amidst the jealousy simmering beneath his skin. The gentleman’s grip on Georgina’s elbow was far too tight and spoke of familiarity. Intimacy. A low sound came from his throat.

“Mr. Murphy?” Poor Miss Schuller had removed her fingers from his arm and now regarded Leo with apprehension. “Are you well?”

No, he wasn’t well. Not at all.

“Will you excuse me, Miss Schuller?” he said. With a polite nod, Leo drifted away, leaving Miss Schuller sputtering behind him. His emotions, always held tightly in check, spiraled out of control whenever Georgina was in the vicinity. Frustrated he couldn’t simply march across the floor and claim her, Leo firmly pushed down his anger before it could escape. He grabbed another glass of champagne, barely tasting the fine vintage as it slid down his throat.

Angling himself against the far wall, careful to stay well hidden in the crowd, Leo watched Georgina as she greeted her mother and the man at her mother’s side. The smile on her lips was false. Pasted on. He’d seen her don the same look dozens of times.

Mrs. Rutherford didn’t look pleased to see her daughter. Even from where Leo stood, he could see her scathing glance run down Georgina’s form in disapproval.

Georgina tilted her chin higher, a smile teasing at her lips as she greeted her mother.

The gentleman holding her elbow hovered protectively over Georgina. Probably looking down the front of her bodice.

Feeling murderous, Leo swallowed down the rest of his champagne.
