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William pressed his lips to hers.

“William,” Lilian nearly screamed from the doorway, her eyes wild as she took in her husband and the nanny.

A voice emanated from the depths of the carriage as the snow began to swirl faster.

“Ah, there he is, the little cherub.” The accent was upper crust. Snide. One Georgina hadn’t heard since she’d fled London. A leg stepped out, the rest of his lean, angular form unfolding itself as his feet landed on the gravel of the drive.

No. No. No. No.

Georgina ignored the pain shooting down her leg. She leapt past William, determined to snatch Daniel from the arms of her treacherous nanny before Harold could even touch her child. Curling her fingers, thumb outside her fist, as Ben had taught her when they were children, she punched smug Mrs. Gibbons right in her nose. Grabbing Daniel, she squeezed him close, only stopping when she heard a pistol cock.

Daniel let out a disgruntled wail, objecting to her treatment.

Georgina’s heart raced. Terrified.Oh, God. Harold.The old terror poured over her skin.What had William done? How had he brought Harold here?

William glared at Georgina. “You bitch.” He rushed over to the nanny, who sat sobbing on the ground, weeping hysterically while Harold, pistol in hand, watched with amusement.

“She broke my nose.” Blood poured from between the nanny’s fingers. “I should have drowned you,” Mrs. Gibbons screeched at Georgina.

“Yes, you should have.” Harold smiled. “Would have made things that much tidier.”

William lifted Mrs. Gibbons to her feet, placing an arm around her and handing her a handkerchief.

Lilian, tears running down her pale face, collapsed against the front door. “William.” She reached out with one hand.

“You should never have brought Daniel here, Lilian.” William made no move to go to her. “Never. But one word from your harlot of a sister and you’re running off to England. Cooke forced me to take him. Your cousin threatened to—” He stopped, his chest rising and falling as he turned on Georgina. “If you had only agreed today, you would never have known. You could have gone on with your life.”

“Georgina has never been very good at direction, have you?” Harold drawled, still holding the pistol. “Impressive punch. Quite the little fighter.” He looked up at the confused driver of his carriage. “A family matter, my dear man. Stay put. You’ll be paid double.”

“My cousin knows I’m here,” Georgina spat, rocking Daniel as he started to wail. She looked toward her poor sister, shaking in the cold air, half lying against the door in a state of shock.

“Ah yes. Mr. Cooke,” Harold answered. “William went to great lengths to ensure he wouldn’t be able to join us. There was an accident on the docks earlier. A most tragic one. I expect your cousin is floating in the East River at the moment. Am I not right, William?”

William didn’t look up at Harold, giving Georgina hope that Ben remained unharmed. Her brother-in-law was clearly a vile human being, but he was also a coward.

“All of this could have been avoided if Anna had just followed instructions.”

“Someone came upon us,” Mrs. Gibbons said through the blood running down her face. “I would have been caught.”

Georgina stared in horror at Mrs. Gibbons. The woman who had been caring for Daniel had tried to kill her.

Lilian was panting, her knuckles white as she clutched the doorframe, pulling herself just inside the house. “William, you are my husband. I’m begging you to stop—” her words trailed off. “I forgive you.”

“I don’t need your forgiveness. Ineverwanted to marry you, Lilian,” he snarled. “You’re beautiful but incredibly dull. Hell, Georgina’s more exciting than you. But your father had me backed into a corner. I had nothing but a bankrupt company, trying to finish law school. I don’t want to be Jacob Rutherford’s pet politician for the rest of my life. Masterson has offered me a tidy sum for your nephew.”

A cry left Lilian. “No, William. Our child—”

“Let your father raise it. He’s the one who wants a dynasty.”

Georgina stared in shock at her brother-in-law. “My father—”

“Will not be able to touch me.” He turned from her back to Lilian. “Anna and I are going to England. Masterson has offered me entrée into London society.”

A laugh came from Georgina as she watched William’s chest puff at his proclamation. “Is that what Harold promised you? Money and influence?” She laughed harder. “Hisinfluence? I always knew you to be weak, William, but I assumed you were intelligent. Harold doesn’t have any wealth. His uncle’s markers are all over London, aren’t they, Harold? I saw the stack myself at Elysium.”

“You never did know when to shut up. Give me the child.” He pointed the gun at her.

“He isn’t the heir.” She held Daniel tighter. “He isn’t anyone to you.”
