Page 57 of The Night Calling

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I ranout of the library as if it was on fire.

And it had been. If not the building, then my body while I was so close to Shane.

By the moon, that kiss. As I walked faster than usual toward the house, I tried reeling in my raw emotions and my expression before the demons following me sensed anything amiss, but it washard.

I could still feel his hands on my body, holding me tight to him, his bare chest pressed against mine, his hips grinding against mine, his mouth moving with mine in perfect synchrony.

A moan rose to my throat and I swallowed it.

Dear moon, what had Shane done to me? Why was he playing with the bond like this? I knew this was the bond, it had to be. There was no other explanation for the way he made me feel.


I shook my head, trying to get rid of those thoughts, of the exquisite sensations still running underneath my skin, of his scent still flooding my nostrils.

By the moon …

In need of a cold shower, I marched into the house and stopped dead in my tracks.

Conri was in the family room with two women.

Two witches.

My blood turned into ice.

“Raika.” Conri turned to me with one of his demon-like smiles. “I’m so glad you’re here. Do you remember Keeva and Lorie? From the Nightmist coven?”

Of course I remembered them. They had been here for Minsi’s birthday party. The two of them along with a handful of witches had run the show that night since the coven princess and her right hand hadn’t come. They had been the ones who kidnapped Minsi and threatened her life if Shane’s father didn’t do what they wanted.

And they were here, right now, under the same roof as Minsi.

A wave of rage and despair flooded my veins. I glanced around, but didn’t see Minsi anywhere. Hopefully, she had been in her bedroom the entire time and didn’t know these witches were here.

“What are they doing here?” I asked through gritted teeth.

“Raika, behave, little wolf.” Conri walked toward me. He reached for my arm, but I jerked it out of reach. “They are visiting us. After all, it has been almost a year since they last visited.”

The night of the attack.

The night these witches captured Shane and kept him from us.

My insides thrummed with built-up rage. I almost acted on it on impulse. I imagined myself shifting into my wolf and ripping their hearts out. It would have been a quick death, and they didn’t deserve that.

“I remember you,” Lorie said. She had brilliant red curls, and she smoked a long and thin pipe. “The omega. Aren’t you a pretty one?”

“Indeed, very pretty.” Keeva narrowed her eyes at Conri. Her blond hair was tied in a loose bun at the base of her neck. Both witches wore gowns that belonged to the ballroom. “Why do you have the omega in your house, Conri?”

Good question.

“Never mind that.” Conri’s smile lost a little of its shine. “Just … leave her alone.” I stared at him. Did I hear a hint of threat in his voice?

Keeva winked at him, probably imagining what everyone did—that I was his damn pet and he did with me what he wanted.

In his damn dreams.

“You’re making us curious,” Lorie said. She looked me up and down. “We love curious things.”
