Page 77 of The Night Calling

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I saw Phell in his demon form, not just killing my mother in front of me, but holding her limp body while he buried his jaw in her chest and ate her flesh, her heart.

I woke up with a start in the near darkness. Only a sliver of moonlight coming from the windows bathed the room. At first, I thought the nightmares had been real. But when I heard rapid footfalls and grumbles from the corridor, I knew that was what had woken me.

I shot up and looked out from the small window atop the door. Conri stood in front of Shane’s door, along with six demons.

He banged on Shane’s door. “Wake up, scum!”

Shane appeared on other side of the door. “Can I help you?”

Shadows swirled around Conri’s legs. “You lied to me. There was no key in your father’s office, not for the vault, nor for the crystals, but you knew that. Perhaps there’s no key at all.”

Shane frowned. “No, there’s a key. If it’s not in his office, then maybe at my house? Maybe in his nightstand?”

The shadows around Conri’s legs grew and took over most of his body. “There is no key, is there? You thought you could play with me. Because the worst I could do was torture you. You’re wrong.”

A demon turned and reached for my door. He unlocked the door and stepped in. Fear flooding my veins, I retreated.

“What are you doing?” Shane pounded on his door. “Leave her alone! Your problem is with me.”

“But I won’t get anywhere with you if I don’t use her. Or maybe your sister. Which one will it be?”

Two more demons entered the classroom and I backed away to the farthest wall. When they advanced toward me, I didn’t let them take me. I settled my feet apart, bent my knees, and brought my fists up. I even landed a pretty punch to one demon’s chin before the other two grabbed my arms and tied my hands behind my back.

I screamed and kicked my legs up, choosing anger instead of the immense fear inside me.

The demons dragged me to the corridor and threw me in front of Conri. I fell on my side, my hips bumping the hard floor, pain spreading down my bones. I groaned, but didn’t give them the pleasure of screaming.

Shane punched the door. It rattled violently. “Let her go!”

Conri crouched beside me. “Little wolf, here we are again.” He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. “This will be fun.” He stood and opened his arms wide.

The shadows around him shot forward, curling around my legs. Panic surged forward, and I kicked at it, trying to get away, but suddenly, I wasn’t in control anymore. The shadows pushed me to my feet, and curled around my torso and arms.

I glanced at Shane and the desperation in his eyes matched the way I felt inside.

The shadows tightened, squeezing my muscles until I gasped for air that wouldn't come.

“Stop!” Shane punched the door again. “Stop this right now!”

The shadows didn’t stop, and the pressure increased. My vision darkened, my head lolled forward … I was going to faint.

But I didn’t. Just as I was starting to blackout, the shadows eased and I fell on the floor like a sack of potatoes. I inhaled deeply and coughed, my lungs burning in the process. My arms and legs felt heavy, the agonizing pain blinding me. I wanted to cry, but even that seemed impossible right now.

Conri kicked me in the stomach, and I curled into a ball, fighting the knife-like pain across my ribs.

“STOP!” Shane roared. He hit the door again so hard that I swore it would break.

Conri pressed a hand to the door and shadows spread over it. When Shane struck the door again, a shock jolted him back.

“I’m in charge here, boy.” Conri gestured toward me. “As you can see. If you know how to get to the crystals, you will tell me, and you will tell me the truth, otherwise …” He toed my shoulder and I scooted back, even though moving hurt too much. “This little wolf will suffer more and more with each of your lies.”

Shane’s eyes turned deadly and his jaw clenched so hard, I thought he would break his teeth. “Fine,” he finally said. “I know what to do, but there are two pieces to it.”

“Tell me.”

“I have to do it. The magic around the crystals is tuned to my bloodline.”

“The alpha heir.”
