Page 18 of Outlaw's Prize

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The three place money on the counter and wait as I finish my drink. I hand Jim the glass and wave at him.

“Have fun,” Jim sounds relieved and happy for me. It’s not a big deal.

It’s just a bike ride.


I follow the men out and notice their vests with Hades Inferno MC on the back. I know they’re members of a motorcycle club. I’ve never hung out with bikers before. Guess there’s a first for everything.

I’m not sure of the type of bikes, but I do know they’re Harleys, all of them black and big.

“Do you have anywhere you need to be in the next say four hours?” Hawk asks, tossing me a helmet.

“I don’t have anywhere I need to be in forever,” I mumble.

“Super. Hop on then.”

“You are going to wish we’d met earlier,” Knuckles says, making everyone laugh.

I look at the bar one more time before climbing on and Hawk speeds off. I’m familiar with every street and road in Nashville, but getting to see everything from a speeding motorcycle makes it feel different. I actually feel like I’m touring my hometown for the first time, from different eyes.

The buildings, landscapes, the people, it’s all magnificent from a bike. Knuckles is right, I do wish I’d met them earlier. They drive up a hill or two and stop so we can look out at the whole city of Nashville. The glow of the lights and setting sun add to the glamour and security of Nashville. The last time I felt this way was when I was with my family. Little do I know, but these guys will become my new family.

“So? What do you think, stranger?” Knuckles asks.

“I…. I don’t know what to say, guys. This is the best thing anyone has done for me since……Thank you.”

“We are all a family in this town. We don’t watch a brother go through shit alone,” Crow says.

Hawk walked to me and rested his right arm over my shoulder. “What he said.”

“So, what do you do when you are not at the bar?” Knuckles asks.

“Used to be a soldier. Got discharged from the army because I couldn’t psychologically perform my duties.”

I’ve never said that out loud and to another person. It wasn’t close to half of the things stressing me out, but saying it out loud makes me feel a little better.

“Wow, we don’t bump into many of you out here,” Knuckles asks.

“I’m sure there are still some out there. I just don’t know who they are. I have no one,” I mumble sadly.

“So sorry, man,” Crow says.

“Yeah, me too. Anyways, are the three of you the ones who make up the club? I saw your logo.”

I wasn’t ready to get into details of my life and I had the best change of subject.

“No, no. There are others. About seventeen more,” Knuckles says.

“You probably never heard of us. We’re not a very popular club but we’ll get there someday. Live one day at a time,” Hawk replies.

“Live one day at a time,” I echo.

“We try not to seek too much attention as so the government isn’t breathing down our necks,” Crow says.

“We like the club to be balanced. Go on a crazy road trip, speeding above the speed limit, and then show up to a fund raising event the next day,” Knuckles adds.

“You don’t have to watch everything you say around me. I won’t tell on you. Who would I even tell? Jim?” They all chuckle at that.
