Page 19 of Outlaw's Prize

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“As long as no one gets intentionally hurt, then I don’t give a fuck what you guys do. I just don’t like people getting hurt when there’s something I could do to stop it,” I reply.

They all look at me with pity on their faces and I chuckle sadly. I turn away to look out on my hometown.

“You don’t have to keep drowning your sorrows. You don’t have to be alone. You can join the club. We’re looking to raise the number and could use a soldier,” Hawk states.

Surprise was evident on my face as I turned to look at Hawk. He was smiling and so were Crow and Knuckles

“I am the president of the club. I am the only one who decides who gets in and who leaves. So, what do you say?” Hawk asks.

“But I would be an outlaw among you. I know nothing of motorcycle clubs and little about motorcycles.”

“That’s why there’s learning. None of us were born knowing this shit,” Hawk says, “you’ll have to prospect, but I think you’ll prove yourself in a short time.”

“In that case, I am in.” For the first time in a long time, I actually grin. Hawk pats my back as Crow and Knuckles cheer.

“Welcome to the Hades Inferno MC. And there were eighteen,” Hawk says.

The thought that I finally would have a chance to belong sends a shiver down my spine. I can’t bring myself to chuckling as I rub my hand down my face. I’m in disbelief.

The guys take me to the clubhouse and I’m in awe. I don’t know what I expected but this is pretty cool.

“Welcome to the clubhouse,” Hawk says as he leads me to the building. There must be other bikers here as there were more bikes in the lot. The faint sound of music is heard outside and voices can be heard laughing and carrying on. I’m excited to see what goes on inside.

The thought of being led here to be robbed of everything did cross my mind, but Jim knows these guys and I just don’t have a bad feeling around them. I feel like they’re genuine. And after the unforgettable ride, it would be worth every penny I had on me if they did rob me.

The number of men in the clubhouse matches the amount of bikes in the lot. I feel thrilled to meet these men, some with beards, some with cut off vests, and some in the company of women. It’s like being on base all over again, except they’re not soldiers and they’re allowed to drink all day and have women stay over and I can leave whenever I want.

“Gentlemen,” Hawk booms to get everyone’s attention.

Everyone quiets down and waits for Hawk to speak.

“Gentlemen, tonight we celebrate the welcoming of the newest prospect. He is like none of us and has been through some shit none of us have experienced. I’m going to warn you, don’t get on his bad side.”

Knuckles and Crow chuckle.

“Tonight, Hades Inferno, welcome enduring spirit, conflicted mind, willing heart, and a body capable of anything. Everyone, meet Outlaw.”

Applause and whistles follow.

Outlaw. I love it.

“Outlaw, I would like to officially invite you to the Hades Inferno MC. You are one of us now, even though you’re prospecting.”

Someone shoves a beer in my hand and claps me on the back.

“To Outlaw,” Hawk raises his bottle and everyone follows suit.

“To Outlaw,” everyone cheers. I finally have a good reason to drink.

Hawk gestures me to follow him outside.

“I should have asked you about the name before announcing it,” he says.

“I like it,” I assure him, “it’s perfect.”

“Perfect. Now I don’t mean to be a jerk but some of the bikers can be douchebags if they find out I recruited someone with zero knowledge on bikes.”

“I have a little knowledge.”

He chuckles, “Son, once you start learning everything there is to learn about bikes and MCs, you’ll realize you knew nothing. For now it would be best if only Crow, Knuckles, you, and I keep that knowledge a secret. Keep a low profile for now. Your lessons start tomorrow.”

“Got it.”

“Good. See, you are learning already. Now let’s join the others and party like we will never party again.”
