Page 110 of Sensibly Wed

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Words fled me, and I tried to make sense of the great compliment he was paying me. He had not loved me then, but he had realized its potential. The choices he had made each day since that moment were what led to his robust, sensitive love.

“I piqued your interest and then I fainted.”

“And I realized that you were honest from the start, never turning a phrase to make your faults seem more palatable. It was a point that allowed me to fight my jealousy regarding Henry. You have never lied to me, Liss, and our marriage—though perhaps off to a rocky beginning—has been sturdy and strong. It will only grow stronger, I hope.”

I nestled against his chest, warm tears filling my eyes and spilling onto his jacket.

“Don’t cry, darling,” he said.

How could I not? I’d been blessed with the kindest, most generous husband. “I do not deserve you.”

He scoffed. “I feel the same. Perhaps that humility will aid us forever. We will always be grateful for the love we’ve found.”

“I am most assuredly grateful for it.” I leaned up and kissed him while the sun grew warmer and the fog melted to nothing. Stella remained nearby, steady and calm, and I could not imagine anything in the world would ruin the happiness that I’d found with James. My sweet, darling husband.

“We will not, perhaps, have a perfect marriage.”

“No,” I agreed. “But I think we can count on having a happy one.”
