Page 42 of Borrowed Time

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The week leading up to Christmas had been one of the busiest since I’d arrived and it had been all hands on deck at the farm. The days had become incredibly short on available sunlight so not only was there more work but also less time to do it in.

Mr Hopkin had insisted on making sure all the fields were ploughed, despite the increasing snow, and with no engines to help get the muck turned, Teddy and I were left to do most of it by hand. That was on top of housing all the livestock, all the extra feeds and rebuilding a stretch of wall along the north road.

By the time Christmas Eve rolled around we were exhausted but it brought a flurry of excitement to the farm. Even Mr Hopkin appeared to be caught up in it, telling Teddy and me that he would take over farm duties until the New Year to allow us an extended break. Teddy, who had been working harder on maintaining a good relationship with his father, even went so far as to throw his arms around him for a hug. Most surprising of all was that Mr Hopkin seemed delighted and hugged him back, showing a level of affection I’d never seen in him before.

Mrs Hopkin had been busy all morning in the kitchen preparing food for the next two days so Teddy and I were tasked with choosing, cutting and retrieving a tree suitable for decoration in the sitting room.

The snow was coming down thick and fast as we headed to the bottom field and the trees were so thick with snow that it was nearly impossible to tell a good one from a bad one. He didn’t pick the one I would have gone for but it was a strong choice with a good triangular shape and we shook the snow off to reveal thick, fluffy branches.

“You’re not bringing that thing through here. You’ve got no chance,” Mrs Hopkin shouted with barely a look as we scraped open the kitchen door with the tree in hand. Her arms were covered in flour and there were ingredients and utensils spread all over the kitchen. “Get around the front with it.”

On her orders, we dragged the tree around the building and stood at the front porch shaking it loose of the fresh layer of snow that had settled upon it. Teddy banged the door and we huddled close for warmth until we heard the latch go and the door swing open.

We’d barely got it upright in the living room when the noise of carriage wheels on the cobbles in the yard signalled the arrival of Gethin. Mrs Hopkin greeted him with frantic shouting as he opened the back door, sending a chill through the house and blowing flour up into the air. Avoiding her wrath, he quickly ducked into the living room to join us.

He had brought a box with him that he set down near the fire and he began to extract its contents. It was overflowing with ribbons and coloured card and within minutes he had the twins sitting quietly and making decorations for the living room.

“Will you escort me to the village to collect Nellie?” He asked once the tree was in place. It wasn’t entirely straight but the lean gave it a bit of added charm. At least that’s what I told everyone so that I could stop trying to correct it.

“I’ll grab my coat,” I said, grateful to be asked. The house was becoming too crowded and with the kitchen out of bounds, there was a distinct lack of somewhere to sit and a high risk of being stuck in a small space with Nan, which I wanted to avoid. She’d reached a point where she could now talk to me without her voice being filled with bitterness but our conversations remained on a strictly necessary basis and there was no polite chit-chat to be had.

“You seem to have settled in well,” he said as we exited the house and made for the gate. The snow had eased a little making it easier to see where we were going but it was several inches deep which made walking difficult. Within seconds my feet were soaked through and I wanted to be back by the fireplace.

“It’s different here. Quiet. But I like it. How about you? Are you looking forward to moving to the village?”

“Well…” he said, and I wasn’t sure if the pause was to disguise his feelings or because he was holding the gate open for me but he didn’t elaborate further. “How are things now with Nan?”

“Better,” I replied, a little confused by the sudden change of subject. “Not perfect, but civil at least.”

“She’s upset, but not with you. Not really. You know what women are like. She will be fine soon enough and you two will become great friends, I’m sure.”

“I hope so,” I replied.

“She’s pretty, too, don’t you think?”

“I haven’t really noticed. She looks a lot like Nellie, I suppose.”

“Maybe you should ask to accompany her to church in the morning.”

I stopped in my tracks on the road, finally cottoning on to where he was leading the conversation, and began to laugh. His skills as a matchmaker, as well as being way off base, were considerably lacking in subtlety. “Are you suggesting I show an interest in Nan?”

“It wouldn’t be the worst idea, would it? Then we could all be stuck in this village together,” he joked.

“Well, for starters,” I said, beginning to walk again, “she is eighteen and I am twenty-seven. It wouldn’t be appropriate. And even if it were, I don’t think we’d be interested in each other in that way.”

“Oh, you have eyes for someone else, then?” he asked.

“I didn’t say that.”

“Yes, but you haven’t denied it. We’re friends, you can tell me. Who is it?”

“Mair,” I called out, seeing my friend coming towards us from across the road and grateful for an excuse to end the conversation with Gethin. “Are you looking forward to tomorrow?”

“I can’t wait,” she said, joining us on the pavement and wrapping her coat tightly around her. The bottom of her skirts were caked in snow and even with the extra layers and her huge bonnet, she must have been freezing. “We’ve been going up to the farm every Christmas night for as long as I can remember and Leah’s mince pies will be more than welcome after whatever semblance of a dinner I make tomorrow.”

“Not a strong cook, Miss Griffiths? You’ll have to practice hard if you’re to find a husband.” Mair gave him a sideways glance and an arched brow which made me break into laughter.

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