Page 89 of Borrowed Time

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We created a clearing through the brushland as we ran, hitting away leaves and branches that whipped at our face. More than once I had to pull my trousers free of brambles and they had torn beyond any repair that Mrs Hopkin would be able to manage. I had no idea where we were going but we continued to run until eventually the woods opened to a clearing and we stood over a steep drop down into the quarry below, where workers had already started their day. A long path worn into the grass trailed the edge of the cliff face round to the other side and down into the quarry and it looked like it might be our best way out.

“How did you know I hadn’t run away?” I said, bending over with my hands on my knees to catch my breath.

“Because you promised you wouldn’t.” He let the statement hang in the air and I smiled, glad that he knew it. “I found your pocket watch in the graveyard and Mr Dennis said he saw you riding off with Arthur. I knew you wouldn’t just go with him so I came looking.”

“Where does everyone think I am?”

“I only told my sister,” he said through laboured breaths. “I didn’t want to cause a panic at the wedding so I came alone. I promised her that if I hadn’t found you by first light then I’d come back and gather some men to help search. She was about ready to come looking herself.”

“I’m just so glad you got to me,” I said, grabbing his face and pulling him into a gentle kiss. “Take me home, please.”

I hadn’t noticed Arthur approaching as we embraced, but as we turned toward the treeline to make our way home, he was standing there, drenched, panting and pointing a pistol right at us.

“I’ll be having that ring back now, Tom.”
