Page 29 of Two Kinds of Us

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It’d been ages since I’d kissed someone. I never really had time for boys, not with everything Mom and Dad put on my plate. And wow, what would Harry’s lips feel like? Taste like? He looked like a good kisser, and that thought alone made my breath quicken ever so slightly.

But then Harry edged back into his seat—I hadn’t even realized he’d been leaning in—and reached for his seat belt.What happened?

“We should do something again,” I rushed to say before he could pop the passenger door open and slip into the night. The Destelle part of me winced, waiting for him to turn me down. What if this outing changed his mind and made him realize he didn’t want to date?

I thought about the girl with the purple eye shadow. What if he was wishing he’d gone out with her instead?

But I shouldn’t have worried. “What are you doing Thursday?” Harry asked, eyes tracing my face in such a delicate way that I could almost imagine his fingertips on my skin. A shiver danced across my spine, in a way that feltgood. “Around five-thirty-ish.”

Thursday at five-thirty. I had to volunteer at the senior center, as per Mom’s orders. Of course, she’d signed me up against my will, not caring if I had any plans. She’d be so upset with me if I canceled.

Tonight stirred something inside me, though. Thoughts and feelings that I’d never let creep in before—like doubt. Yes, Stella was used to this taste of freedom, but Destelle wanted more of it. This afternoon’s talk with Margot about rocking the boat fluttered into my mind, and for a moment, those words were all I could hear.

I didn’t want to be my parents’ puppet anymore. I wanted to cut my strings.

“I’m free,” I said, the words feeling monumental in the small space of the SUV. “I’ll meet you here again?”

“What if we got coffee?” he offered. “We could sit and talk. Maybe at Crushed Beanz?”

Immediately, I pictured myself in a booth across from him, able to devote all my attention to him. Not the road, not the restaurants—just Harry. “That sounds great.”

With that, Harry popped the door open, letting in the winter air, and I found myself on the edge of my seat, wanting to say something more but not sure what. I wanted this moment to last as long as possible.

“A chocolate for the road?” I asked before he could fully slide out, grabbing the box off the dashboard. “I’d be willing to sacrifice one more.”

Harry quirked his mouth to the side in thought as he chose his chocolate. As his fingers worked it out, his eyes met mine. “Drive safe, Stella,” he murmured with his lips curving upward, slipping the chocolate into his mouth.

That might’ve been the hottest thing ever.Swoon. “You too.”

He shut the door and made his way to his car. Once he settled behind the driver’s seat, he flicked on the overhead light, illuminating him well enough that I could see him wave. The smoothness of Stella had worn off, and Destelle came through, grinning like a doofus as I waved back while putting the car into gear.

Meeting him Thursday would mean I had to cancel on the senior center. Ditching a volunteer opportunity—who’d ever heard of such a thing? Then again, it wasvolunteerfor a reason. I wasn’trequiredto go. At least, not required by the senior home. Mom definitely made it a requirement. Was ditching it and risking Mom’s wrath worth it?

I glanced at the dashboard, noting the time. I’d just be getting home before curfew. A photo finish. Was it worth it?

With my skin still tingling, imagining what Harry’s mouth would’ve felt like, I knew the answer to both: most definitely.
