Page 31 of Two Kinds of Us

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“Feel better, Destelle.”

I hung up before she did, exhaling strongly. Along with the guilt of canceling, I couldn’t shove down the hefty dose of paranoia. What if Mom called and found out I wasn’t there? I mean, I doubted she would, but thewhat ifsstill ran around in my mind.

After years of being trained to do nothing but obey, breaking from the mold had me nearly peeing my pants.

I got ready hurriedly in the back seat of the SUV, realizing Margot might’ve been right about needing something other than the same turtleneck. If I’d be hanging out with Harry often, I’d need a broader wardrobe. Which complicated things because it wasn’t like I could fit any more clothing in my shoebox.

The door to Crushed Beanz chimed as I pulled it open, the scent of coffee heavy in the air, more so than it was at night. It made sense; people were probably buying coffee by the boatload in the afternoon.

Through the full line, I could see Jonathan moving at a fast pace, grabbing a to-go cup, starting on a coffee for a new customer. To his right, Vincent moved around as well, getting something from the pastry bar.

However, on the other side of the café where Untapped Potential normally performed, a girl stood on the stage, singing to a song that played over the speakers. Singingterribly, might I add.

“Well, well, fancy seeing you here,” Jonathan called from the counter, not pausing in his movements of filling a coffee for a customer. His dark eyes trained on me for only a moment. “In the daylight, too. Has that happened before?”

I snorted. “Turns out I’mnota vampire,” I teased, looking to Vincent while unbuttoning my coat. When I was Destelle, I always wore my pink Claire-Haute peacoat. When I knew I’d be dressed as Stella, I opted for my black Fenta Vitalo trench coat. Stella wouldn’t be caught dead in something like the frilly Claire-Haute. “How was the birthday, Vincent? Addy said she was planning something.”

Vincent wasn’t much of a smiler, but I definitely caught the barest hint of a grin. His lip ring caught in the light. “She had to change things around last minute, but we ended up having a good night.”

“What’d she get you? She wouldn’t spill the beans.”

That grin came full force now, as if he couldn’t keep it at bay. “Have you seen thoseEvil Killer Babyhorror movies? Terrible excuse for filmmaking?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah.” It was a bottom of the barrel, low budget movie that starred a deformed puppet as the monster. Definitely cringe-worthy.

“Adeline found a doll online of the baby from the movie. Really hideous.” He shook his head, but the smile remained. “Looks terrifying on my bed, honestly.”

“So, she was all secretive about a stuffed doll?”

He hesitated, glancing at Jonathan chatting with a customer. “Well, there’s something else, but we—”

Vincent cut himself off when the door to Crushed Beanz chimed. I glanced over my shoulder, all thoughts of the conversation gone, and found Harry unzipping his brown jacket. His gaze immediately found mine, and I felt my heart skip a beat as if someone hooked it to jumper cables and it sparked.

“There she is,” he greeted warmly, his expression immediately lighting up. “Looking beautiful as ever.”

I smoothed my hair over my shoulder, the black strands silky, albeit a little staticky. “Funny. I was going to say the same about you.”

Mimicking me, Harry ran a hand through his red hair, and I wondered how his felt. Silky? Soft? “I was feeling pretty beautiful today.”

Jonathan gaped at me when I turned back, and the customer he’d been serving moving toward the lounge. Jonathan had my order in his hand; he knew it by heart. “I’m totally missing something.”

“Our boy here’s on a date,” Vincent told Jonathan and set down a to-go cup on the counter. Before I could ask whose it was, Harry stepped in and swiped it up. Vincent knew Harry’s order like Jonathan knew mine. “Stella, thanks for giving him a pity date.”

“This would be pity date number two, actually,” Harry cut in, raising the cup to his lips. Just before he took a sip, his eyes cut to mine. “I think I’m growing on her.”

So. Freaking. Blue. “Sometimes you need to take one for the team.”

Harry pulled a five out of his pocket before I had the chance to offer to pay, tossing it onto the counter. “Come on,” he told me, gesturing toward the lounge. “Let’s find a seat.”

“Enjoy the show,” Vincent called after us, tone slightly teasing.

The only open booth was nearest the stage, the booth that Addy and I normally occupied when Untapped Potentialplayed. “You brought me here on karaoke night,” I murmured, leaning over the table. The music wasn’t as loud as when the band played, but I felt the need to lean in. “You planning on singing?”

“I wasn’t,” Harry said, setting his cup down. “You?”

“I wasn’t.” I jerked my chin at his cup. “Vincent knows your order, huh?”

Harry trailed a fingertip along the lid, drawing my attention to his arms. He wore a gray long-sleeve today, one that hugged his muscles perfectly. He wasn’t overly buff, but in a way that made me imagine what his arms might’ve felt like wrapped around me.Get a grip, Destelle.
