Page 137 of King Larson

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Graduation is in three days. And I know I’m not graduating with honors.

This year was fucked, indeed. I finished Economics with an A, but I’m still waiting on my other class grades to release. Grades are due to be posted tomorrow. And I’m not even a little excited to see them.

Mostly because my mind is still on Leia.

I don’t know what I did to make her believe that asshat over me. The thought just makes my blood boil.

I’m doing bench presses while all of this bullshit is on my mind.Not exactly a recipe for gym success. I’m not in the right frame of mind to reach my maximum weight today.

Sighing, I lift the bar back on the rack and sit up. Grabbing my towel and wiping my head, I put on my T-shirt. My phone suddenly buzzes in my shorts pocket. There’s a text from Hunter:

HUNTER:We need to talk

I frown at the weird text. What the hell could this be about? Hunter never sends texts like these.

ME:You good, bro?

HUNTER:Just get here.

All this secrecy is starting to piss me off. For the last two weeks, everyone’s been acting weird around me. You’d think I’d sent a nude and it went viral at the rate these guys are going.

Sighing, I wipe my forehead again, grab my bag, and leave the weight room.This better be fucking good.

I make it back to the frat in record time. There’s a row of cars in front of the house, and I’m instantly confused. I jog up the steps and open the door. The house is dark.

Sighing, I throw my bag on the floor and walk to the kitchen. I don’t know where everyone is, but I need a beer.

Why the hell did he text me if he’s not even here?

Turning on the kitchen light, my heart stops when a flood of people pop up behind the counter.

“Surprise!” everyone shouts in unison. “Happy birthday, Larson!” I can’t suppress the smile forming on my face. I’m gladsomeoneremembered.

Brock walks up to me, smiling, slapping my shoulder. “How’s it feel to be old, dude?”

Rolling my eyes, I push him away from me. “Thanks, guys. I was starting to think everyone was neglecting me,” I joke.

Everyone laughs as they all disperse around the frat. I hate surprise parties...usually. But I find myself smiling, nonetheless.

Hunter and Brock have the music playing, and everyone is dancing like it’s another keg party. I miss our parties. We’re graduating in three days, and our last party is tonight. I don’t enjoy them as much as I did before, though. Things don’t feel the same after Leia walked out of my life. Everything just feels...foreign.

It’s wild how the girl of your dreams can change the trajectory of things.

I miss her. As always, I wish she were here. But she didn’t even wish me a happy birthday. I know we’re not on speaking terms right now, but…it hurts like hell.

“What’s up your ass, birthday boy?”

I look up to find Kris smiling down at me.

“Kris, it’s always nice to see you,” I deadpan.

She rolls her eyes and sits down next to me. “And it’s always nice to have these awkward interactions with you.”Touché. “What’s got you in a weird mood?”

“I’m not in a weird mood.” The stare I get back tells me she doesn’t buy it. “I just...I don’t know, I’ve been uneasy today.”
