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She gives me a playful grin. “Don’t you mean ice skate?”

“I don’t know if we’re insured for ice skating,” I quip as I extend my hand toward her. “Care to join me?”

We walk out to the dance floor, blending in with the other couples, though I actually doubt we’re blending in. I can feel the eyes upon us. I’m sure I will get an earful from Anita first thing Monday morning. Why am I overthinking this so much? It’s just a dance, not a marriage proposal.

The music changes to one of my favorite songs, and two singers take the stage for the duetBaby It’s Cold Outside. As Ivy and I glide across the floor, completely in sync, I am taken with her beauty, her smile that is far from the practiced ones of most of the women I know. It is fresh, genuine…tentative. For a minute, I’m not George Embry, CEO. I’m just a man dancing with a girl and enjoying life for a brief and all-too-rare second.

When the song ends, I lead her off the dance floor. My eyes catch a fuming Owen Reynolds, his furious gaze fixated squarely upon us, namely the woman beside me. Something about this does not bode well.

Owen grabs Ivy by the arm. “What do you think you’re doing?”

She gives him a confused look. “Uncle Owen. He asked me to dance. It’s not exactly illegal.”

Uncle Owen. Great! I managed to ask the most uptight accountant in the company’s niece to dance! This should be fun.

Owen looks at me apologetically. “Mr. Embry, I apologize. I know how you prefer not to be bothered.”

Ivy lets out a tiny gasp. “Embry? As in the CEO of Advent…thatEmbry?”

“Yes.” Owen’s face is as red as the lobster on the buffet table. “Also known as my boss’ boss.”

His attitude is beginning to annoy me. “That’s only in the interim, Owen,” I remind him. “The only way that actually occurs is if you secure the VP position.”

Is there anything redder than a lobster? I didn’t think it was possible, but it is happening before my own two eyes.

“Mr. Embry asked me to do a professional portrait portfolio for him,” Ivy breaks in, trying to ease the tension of the moment.

Owen’s look is confused. “Portrait portfolio?”

“Ivy was taking pictures of the decorations and showed me some of her photos. I was quite impressed. I haven’t updated my company profile in a considerable amount of time. This is the perfect opportunity.” The look on Owen’s face tells me the only reason he is not chewing Ivy out is because I am standing here right now. I respect Owen as a financial professional, but he needs to pick his battles more wisely sometimes, loosen up. I refrain from going full CEO on him in front of his own niece, though. Something tells me that she will be paying for it later if I do.

Taking a card from my pocket, I hand it to Ivy. “Please call my assistant, Anita, to schedule a consultation. It was nice meeting you, Ivy.” I nod coolly to her uncle. “Owen.”

With that, I’m done for the evening. I’ve made my rounds. It’s time to go.
