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“What on earth were you thinking, Ivy?” Owen huffs as he gets into the car. “He’s the CEO of the company I work for!”

“I had no idea, Uncle Owen,” I say pleadingly as I fasten my seatbelt. “He came up to me, and we started talking. How was I supposed to know? And, really, it was only just a dance. Why are you making such a big deal out of this?”

Owen turns angrily to look at me over his shoulder. “I’m up for a promotion, Ivy. I don’t need any complications. I’ve waited too long for this and worked too hard. Can’t you see that?”

“Owen, can’tyousee it isn’t her fault?” Cynthia interjects. “It’s not like she’s ever met him before. You really can’t blame her. Even if she had, what was she supposed to do…say no?Heaskedherto dance.”

Owen sighs in frustration. “He asked her to do a profile portrait for him, too.”

Cynthia looks back at me curiously. “A portrait? What’s he talking about?”

“He came up to me when I was taking pictures of the trees. He saw my photos and asked me to do a profile portrait,” I explain to her. “I accepted the job.”

“And I forbid you to take it!” Owen declares vehemently.

“Owen!” Cynthia censures him. “I don’t think that’s your decision. Ivy is twenty-four, in case you’ve forgotten. She’s capable of making her own decisions.”

“She lives in our house, and I pay for her education,” he retorts with a grumble. “I think I’m allowed to have some say in what she does.”

He’s right. I should be more grateful. He’s done more for me than most people would have. He and Cynthia are really the only family I’ve ever known. “I’m sorry, Uncle Owen. I’ll turn down the job. I’m very thankful for everything you’ve done for me all of these years. I didn’t mean to be unappreciative or disrespectful.”

Cynthia places a hand on her husband’s knee. “Owen, you know how she loves photography. Why not let her do it?”

My uncle turns to her, his face stern. “Photography doesn’t pay the bills.”

“It sounds like he’s paying her for this, though,” Cynthia reminds him. She looks over her shoulder at me. “Did you agree on compensation?”

I tell her the figure George quoted me, and my aunt looks at her husband. “That sounds pretty impressive to me.”

Owen shrugs his shoulders. “That still doesn’t make me feel any better about it, but I guess if she’s already agreed to it there really isn’t much I can do.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. At leastthat’sover with. Still, I feel butterflies in my stomach thinking about the photoshoot. Why?


It’s Monday, and I’m leaving my last class of the day. The wind is biting, and clouds are rolling in from the west, so moisture-laden that they are almost blue. The weather forecast is for snow. From the looks of it, it won’t be long. I’ve always loved snow, especially at Christmas.

My cell phone rings. Digging it out of my purse, I answer it. “Ivy speaking.”

There is a pause on the other end. “Ivy. This is George Embry. My assistant said you called earlier today.”

“I did,” I tell him, a smile on my face and in my voice. “You wanted me to do some professional profile pictures for you. We met…”

“At the party this past weekend,” he finishes for me. “I remember.”

For some reason, this pleases me. I was worried he would have forgotten, a busy man like him. “I was just following up to see when you would like to set up an appointment to discuss the specifics of the job and what you are wanting me to do.”

“I don’t suppose you have some time this afternoon?” George asks, surprising me. “I had a meeting canceled, so my schedule is unexpectedly open.”

I glance at my watch. It’s a little after three, not enough time to go back and get my equipment. All I have is the slim camera I used at the party. “I’m in the city, and I don’t have my good camera with me.”

He laughs lightly. “I’m not expecting you to take pictures today. This is just a preliminary to go over everything. I’m a novice to this. You’ll have to tell me what you need for me to do to get ready. All I’ve ever done is the standard pose behind the desk. I’m hoping for something with a little more personality this time. Hence, the need to discuss in advance.”

“I can be there around four.” I pause, grimacing at my jeans. “I’m not exactly in professional attire, though. I just finished classes for the day.”
