Page 33 of Committed

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“Thanks for getting some of the girls together. I really needed a change of pace tonight,” Journey said to Egypt, who sat in the back seat of the SUV with her.

Typically, the wives of Supreme Security met up once a month on a Saturday for dinner and drinks, usually at one of their homes. With the emotional turmoil Journey was experiencing, she couldn’t wait for the next meetup. It wasn’t scheduled for another couple of weeks, but she needed some bonding and conversation now.

“Not a problem. I’m glad you called,” Egypt said, squeezing Journey’s hand. “It’s nice to get out, and it gave Junior a chance to hang out with his Uncle Nelson.”

Journey smiled. She couldn’t imagine big, tough Nelson being on babysitting duty. Especially looking after an active one-year-old.

Nelson wasn’t related to Egypt, although, for years, they led everyone to believe that they were brother and sister. Actually, Nelson was her handler when she was in WITSEC many years ago. Egypt had been assigned a few handlers through the years, but she and Nelson had kept in touch, even when he left the US Marshals.

Journey leaned over and whispered in Egypt’s ear, “Thanks for talking your husband into letting us all get together.”

Originally, Kenton had shot down the idea, claiming that the guys were already spread thin. He also hadn’t thought it a good idea for Journey to be around the other women in case she really was in danger.

Journey wasn’t sure what Egypt had said to her husband to get him to change his mind, but she would be forever grateful. If she had to go home to that empty house, she would’ve driven herself nuts.

“Be sure to thank Dani, too,” Egypt whispered back, and Journey agreed.

Dani, Ashton’s wife, owned the Double Trouble bar with her brother and had come through big-time. Journey had suggested that the wives meet at her and Laz’s house. She figured that made the most sense since security was already stationed there.

That was another idea Kenton hadn’t liked. He didn’t come around until Dani offered up the bar for them to use.

The wives were proving to be just as resourceful as their men, and Journey had to think of a way to thank them for coming through for her.

A short while later, Kenton pulled in front of the bar. He and Angelo climbed out of the front seat at the same time. Their moves were perfectly in sync. Journey wasn’t sure if that was training or just instinct. Either way, it was no wonder that Supreme was one of the most elite security firms in the country.

After glancing around and checking their surroundings, the guys opened the back doors.

“You two already know the drill. Don’t even think about leaving here without us or going outside for any reason,” Kenton said as he escorted them to the bar’s main entrance while Angelo stayed with the truck.

The year before, when Dani had almost been kidnapped, Ashton had insisted on around-the-clock security, especially when she was working. Now there were always two security specialists on duty who blended in with the crowd.

“Jay, if anything feels off or if anyone approaches you who you don’t know, signal for one of the guys or text me,” Kenton continued. “Until we figure out this situation with Laz, we don’t want to take any chances, all right?”

“Okay,” she said, accepting the one-armed hug he gave her before he pulled Egypt to his side.

Journey didn’t stick around to watch the two play kissy-face. She might’ve been thrilled that her friends found each other and fell in love, but when her own marriage was on shaky ground, seeing happy couples hugged up to each other triggered her insecurities. For a person who once had never planned to get married, she couldn’t imagine her life without Laz. She wasn’t sure what she’d do if he left her for good.

Realizing her thoughts were veering into depressing territory, she lifted her head and pulled her shoulders back. Tonight was about having a good time with her girls.

Journey strolled into the building, and the high energy coaxed her further inside. She held her purse close to her side and squeezed by a small group of people standing around one of the tall tables. As she weaved around others, she noted how busy the bar was for a Sunday evening. It probably had to do with several basketball games and other sports playing on the wall-mounted televisions hung all over the large space.

Double Trouble wasn’t just some hole-in-the-wall bar. There was plenty to do for someone who just wanted to get out of the house and hang with friends. The small stage and a dance floor at the back of the building were well used when there was live entertainment. Pool tables and dartboards were stationed in the far-left corner of the building. When the weather was nice, people often sat outside on the large patio deck that offered a great view of the city of Atlanta.

Journey was nearing the last booth when she saw a familiar face.Tony Price, her ex. His surprised gaze met hers, and his smile was warm and inviting, like usual. They had parted on good terms…sort of. After dating for years, Tony wanted marriage. More specifically, he wanted to marry her.

She told him repeatedly that she had no intentions of getting married—ever. At the time, her career was everything to her, and she couldn’t see herself tied down. That didn’t mean she hadn’t loved Tony, but she hadn’t loved him enough for that type of commitment.

Never say never,her sister Geneva had once told her. That was shortly before Journey started dating Laz and, within months, married him.

It was then that she realized that she might’ve loved Tony, but it wasn’t anI-can’t-live-without-youtype of love. Nothing like what she felt for Laz. There were times when her deep love for her husband scared her to death. She never knew she could love someone as completely as she did him.

Needless to say, the first time that she and Tony ran into each other after she was married had been uncomfortable. He reminded her then that she’d told him that she didn’t want marriage, that she wasn’t the marrying type. In the end, though, he wished her and Laz well.

That had been several years ago, and since then, they’d been friendly whenever they saw each other.

As he stood from the booth, Journey took in his appearance. Though there were some differences, he was still a nice-looking man with skin the color of mocha and friendly dark eyes. When they dated, he was always well-groomed, wore his hair closely cropped, and was a conservative dresser.
