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It has been such a long time and I am so very lonely. I am suffering with the isolation and I need the company of another. Would you permit me that, at the very least?”

He sighed and looked across the garden for a moment before giving her a single nod. “Yes, Mary. I think it would be good if you still had a friend in your life. I never meant for you to be forced into solitude. I merely want to ensure that you are presentable before you enter society once more.”

“Thank you, Father. I shall send my card to Sarah and ask her to come. She will be very happy, I think. I know that it has been difficult for me not to see her, and she is also very social and struggles a great deal when she is far from her friends. Thank you so much,” Mary said.

This was the happiest she had been in days. And later that afternoon, when Sarah met with Mary in the library, it felt as if things might be taking somewhat of a turn for the better.

“So he is allowing you to wander the house again?” Sarah asked.

“Not entirely. But for a few hours each day, I shall be allowed time in the library and a walk in the garden. He said that this right will be taken from me if I am caught trying to get away at all. If my stepmother wishes to confine me to my room again, all she must do is claim that she saw me trying to get away,” Mary said.

“Oh, that is just dreadful. How are you going to get through this, Mary?” Sarah asked.

“I wonder that each and every day.”

“Well, we are doing what we can. I have this letter for you from Lord Hanbrooke. He had given it to me days ago because he knew that I would be the most likely person to see you. Of course, we did not expect it to be so soon, but he is going to be thrilled to know that you have the letter now,” Sarah said, handing Mary a piece of paper.

Mary quickly unfolded it, desperate to hear what he had to say.

My Dearest Lady Mary,

It grieves me that we have not seen one another in so long. I feel as if my heart has been torn apart because you are so far away. That moment in the garden left me wanting to be with you more than ever before.

However, I know that we must first get you out of this dreadful circumstance. Please know that I am making every effort. I wish there was more I could do. I wish that I could storm the estate and demand to see you. But when I tried, I was unable. And now, you are so terribly far from me that I am aching for the chance to have hope once more.

Please know that I have not given up on you. I am still trying, fighting with every last ounce of strength within me. I will find a way to rescue you, no matter what. I could not risk the chance of you having to remain there for any longer.

We are trying everything we can possibly think of and, although nothing appears to convince your father, I do think there is something more we might try. I shall hopefully speak with you soon, but if you have received this letter, perhaps Sarah will have something more to say on my behalf. Until we meet again, know that I care for you deeply.

Yours Always,

Lord Crispin Dunaway, Duke of Hanbrooke

Mary sighed, wishing the letter could be longer and give her more information. It seemed he had written it in a rush.

“You know, Harry told me that Lord Hanbrooke was even considering proposing in the hopes of getting you away from here, but your father would not even see him. The housekeeper turned him away at the door because he is not allowed here,” Sarah said.

Mary’s heart began to race. Lord Hanbrooke was going to propose? He wanted to marry her? Or was he only trying to help her? She missed him desperately, wanting nothing more than to see him again. It was terribly difficult being so far from him.

“Sarah, I would give anything to see him again. What am I to do? How can I get through this?” Mary asked.

Sarah smiled and her eyes lit up.

“I think I have an idea.”
