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No, no, no, this had gone from bad to worse.

The kid couldn’t know, could she?

She glanced at her husband. The man stood stock-still with his mouth hanging open.

Point of clarification.

It cannot be overstated that they had really, really, really taken advantage of their marital benefits agreement. They’d been knocking boots so often she was lucky she wasn’t walking around Denver bow-legged like she’d traversed the state bareback on a wild stallion.

“Aria, what do you think we were doing?” she asked, and hello, opera voice.

The girl narrowed her gaze. “You guys are staying up past your bedtime, and I bet you’re eating bonbons down there.”

And bonbon addiction for the save.

Crisis averted.

“That’s exactly what we were doing,” Landon gushed, finding his voice.

She shared a relieved look with the man. “Yep, you caught us.”

“What did you catch, Harper? Was it a D?”

What the hell?

She gasped and peered down to find a bright-eyed Phoebe Gale.

Where did she come from?And the kid couldn’t be referring to the cock kind of D.

“What do you mean, ‘was it aD?’” she stammered.

Wide-eyed parents in the vicinity paused their conversations. If the Whitmore community didn’t already think she and Landon were sexual deviants, they did now.

“Adog, like inhot dog. What did you think I meant?” the child quipped.

She wasn’t about to go there.

“When did you get here, Phoebe?” she asked, changing tack.

“I’ve been here a while. You didn’t notice me because I was behind that bush. I’ve been practicing spying.”

Spying? Had she heard the kid correctly?

“Hey there, strangers,” Penny called, then yawned as she and Rowen joined them on the sidewalk.

“Did Phoebe sneak up on you?” Rowen asked, looking exasperated for barely nine in the morning.

“She did. She said she’s—”

“Spying?” Penny supplied.


“I’ve been spying for ten days straight,” the girl announced. “I spied while we were on our big boat in Cabba Being.”

“The Caribbean,” Rowen corrected and rubbed his temples.

“That’s what I said, Uncle Row,” the child replied, not missing a beat. “The whole time we were floating around in the ocean, I practiced being a super spy. Super spies have to pay attention to details, and they have to be good at surprising people when it’s time to catch the bad guys. And boy, oh boy, how I’ve gotten good at sneaking up on Uncle Row and Penny. That’s how I woke them up this morning.”

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