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That was the kind of woman worthy of being Aria’s aunt.

And what about Landon?

She loved the man but couldn’t drag him kicking and screaming to accept what and who he was. That was his responsibility. His journey.

But he wasn’t the only one at fault. He wasn’t off the mark when he’d sensed she wasn’t ready to pull the trigger on a career as a recording artist.

She had hesitated. She had been reluctant. She’d allowed rejection to send her to the sidelines.

Only one person could get her back in the game, and that was the woman she saw in the mirror.

She didn’t know if she’d be happily ever-aftering it with Landon and Aria. All she knew was what she had to do to be the best version of herself.

One challenge remained. The final challenge was days away.

She’d show up.

She’d double-dog dared him to prove her wrong.

The question was, would he?

“Bonbon,” she demanded like a surgeon requesting a scalpel.

Libby fulfilled the request.

She slipped the chocolate into her mouth. “Cell-own,” she mumbled.

“You’re lucky we speak bonbon,” Charlotte teased before reaching into the tote. She plucked her cell from the bottom of the bag and handed it over.

She tapped the home button, and the screen came to life, but she took a second to drink in the moment.

The afternoon sun bathed the playground in golden light. The familiarity of their spot soothed her as she peered at the school’s auditorium.

If something’s not working, change the melody.

She pictured Landon and Aria, exhaled a steady breath, then pressed the telephone icon.

Her melody was about to get one heck of a transformation.

It was time to face her fears and believe in Harper Barbara Presley-Paige.

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