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“It’s over-the-top. But I’d need to have input on the third Bake or Bust Challenge. I don’t know what’s happening with Vance and Barbie, but Harper needs the prize money to pay off a loan to keep her grandmother’s house. We have to be able to compete.”

Lizzie Luxe joined them. “Harper’s financial situation has changed dramatically.”

“How would you know that?”

“I just got off the phone with her.”

“She called you.”

A smile spread across the woman’s face. “She did. She’s a showstopper, the real deal. She’s going to be a star.”

A star.

Harper had done it. She’d faced her fears and taken the leap. His heart swelled. But he couldn’t get too caught up in the moment. He needed to set the stage and turn up the dial on the romance scale of devotion.

“Mr. and Mrs. Luxe, my niece was right. I screwed up with Harper, and I have to prove what she means to me. But I’ll need your help. We’re four days away from the final challenge.”

“We are,” Lizzie Luxe replied.

“I’ve got an idea, but it hinges on the challenge. Can you share anything about it with me without breaking the rules?”

“The third challenge is the bonbon challenge,” Warren Luxe replied.

“That’s why we’re wearing these fantastic sparkly, chocolate-inspired costumes. Donna and Damien were going to announce it today,” Lizzie supplied.

“The bonbon challenge,” he repeated.

It had to be a sign.

“Everyone, I’m going to need your help.”

“Even us?” Kai asked.


Barbie cocked her head to the side. “And me, too?”

“You’ve really come through for us, Barbie. Thank you,” he said, then scanned the group. Something felt off, and he knew why.

There was one other person he needed to pull this off.

He patted his pocket, feeling for his phone, and found the botched contract. He could deal with that as well. “Aria, I need you to hold onto this. We’re going to fix it on the plane.”

“The plane?” Aria echoed. “Are we going on a trip?”

“We sure are. I need to talk to somebody who loves your Aunt Harper. And I need a cell—”

He hadn’t even gotten the word out when Rowen slipped a phone from his pocket. “You better answer this one.”

“I will. Thank you.” He turned to Mitzi. “Could you call the pilot and have my jet ready?”

“No need,” Madelyn said smoothly as she adjusted her scarf. “My plane is fueled and on standby. All the pilot requires is a destination. I assume you’re headed to New Mexico.”

This woman was good.

“We are. Would I be correct in assuming that you have the address for where we need to go once we land?”

A sly grin spread across the woman’s lips. “You would be correct.”

He stared at the nanny matchmaker. “How did you orchestrate this? Does that scarf have magical powers?”

She chuckled. “I’m not a fairy godmother or a magician, and this scarf is just a scarf. I’m simply a facilitator of—”

“—fate,” the guys answered.

She waved him in. “Sometimes, nanny matchmaking requires the nuclear approach. I must say, your case offered more than a few obstacles.”

“But you said you couldn’t work with me because I wasn’t a single male caregiver.”

She shrugged. “You’d already paid, and my fee is nonrefundable. And I do love a good challenge. Go on. You and Aria have a date with destiny.” She patted his cheek. “My work is done. Everything that happens from this point on depends solely upon you.”
