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Barbie made a pouty face. “Vance is here, but I’m not with him.”

“You’re not?”

“No, and you were right about him,” Barbie replied. “He’s not someone I can count on. But he’ll be getting a taste of his own medicine soon enough,” the woman said with a devious grin.

“Come on, kids,” Schuman said to Tanner and Barbie. “Let’s unload the cookies and get them to the bakery booth. We’ve got hungry musicians to feed.”

“Bakery booth? Hungry musicians? I’m at a loss,” she said to her grandmother.

“Why are you at a loss, music teacher?” came the thick New York accent. “The first time we met, you told me you were a singer and a songwriter. Shouldn’t a music festival be right up your alley?”

The bellhop.

She stared at the driver—the driver who also appeared to be the glittery hotel employee from the Luxe Grandiose.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m doing a favor for a friend,” he answered in a thick, syrupy southern accent.

“Damien?” she exclaimed, wide-eyed. She was ninety-nine percent sure she’d either experienced a psychotic break or was feeling the effects of finally consuming her body weight in chocolate. The sugar psychosis had to kick in at some point.

“Warren, give the poor girl a break. Can’t you see she’s overwhelmed?” said a woman with long silver hair, coming to the man’s side.

Except, she recognized the woman. “You’re from the Luxe, too. You’re the hostess.”

“And also own the place with my husband. I’m also Lizzie Luxe.”

How many times was she going to have her mind blown today?

“We spoke on the phone a few days ago,” she blurted.

“Yes, I know.”

“I signed with your label.”

“Again, dear,” Mrs. Luxe replied and shared a look with her husband, “we know who you are.”

“You’re really Mr. and Mrs. Luxe? Why did you pretend to be other people?”

“Your husband can fill you in,” Mr. Luxe answered with a coy grin.

“Landon’s here?”

“Of course, he is, music teacher.” The bellhop—no, Warren Luxe—answered. “This is his music festival.”

“Landon has a music festival?” she repeated.

Lizzie Luxe nodded. “He’s partnered with us at Luxe Media and Entertainment and with New Beats to create a music event highlighting up-and-coming bands and connecting them with mentors in the music industry.”

“There’s also an educational component,” Warren Luxe added.

“And what’s that?”

“Aria’s Song,” Lizzie replied.

“I don’t know what that is?” she answered as the band stopped playing.

“I can help with that,” Mitzi called, coming out of a door that led into the amphitheater complex, with Michel Laurent by her side.
