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The drunk gave him a sloppy salute, then pointed at Harper. “You’re a lucky guy. I’d marry her for her tits alone.”

Just when he was trying to let the douche get off with a warning, the guy had to go and run his mouth.

He glanced at the glaring beauty by his side. Maybe he should let Harper punch the guy’s lights out. It might knock some sense into him.

No, this guy wasn’t worth the effort.

“If you know what’s good for you,” he warned and threw a cagey look at the petite powerhouse, “you’ll get the hell out of here.”

Luckily, the tourist got the hint and complied.

And look at that!He was already keeping Harper safe. Just as he was about to revel in his chivalry, she grabbed his chin in her ridiculously strong hand and forced him to meet her gaze.

“Are you drunk?” she snapped without an ounce of appreciation in her tone.

That’s what she had to say to him?

“Are you?” he shot back.

“I wish. The drinks here are so watered down I’d need a couple gallons to get even remotely shit-faced.” She scoffed. “And what the hell is wrong with you?”

Irritation coursed through his veins. “Nothing is wrong with me. In fact, I’m a hero. I saved your ass.”

“Who says I needed to have my ass saved?”

Was she mad at him for coming to her rescue?

His whole white knight vibe drained away. “Jesus, Harper, just say thank you.”

She lifted her chin. “I will not say thank you.”

This ball-buster of a woman.

She pegged him with her gaze and morphed into interrogation mode. “What are you doing here?” she asked and licked her sucker.

That lollipop would be the end of him.

She started going off, and she looked pissed, but he couldn’t focus on what she was saying. He stared at her mouth. She had beautiful, full lips. The kind of lips that would look damned hot wrapped around—

“Hey, heartthrob. What. Are. You. Doing. Here?” she hollered, punctuating each word with a jab of her lollipop.

He snapped out of it. “I work here. I just finished a concert. What are you doing here?”

“Me?” she snapped.

“Yes, Erasmus texted me and said Libby was getting a weird vibe off you. He mentioned you were at a piano teacher conference in Vegas. Raz wanted me to be on the lookout for you.”

The beautiful brown ballerina battle-ax dialed back her outrage as panic marred her expression. “Did you tell him you saw me?” She’d tried to inject a fair share of badass into her question, but he detected an uneasy undercurrent.

What secret was she keeping from everyone?

“I told them Vegas was a big place and that I probably wouldn’t run into you.” He glanced around the packed club. “This doesn’t look like a piano teacher conference. Did you lie to your friends?”

Her jaw dropped. That knocked her off her chocolatey-delicious high horse.

Exhilaration raced through his body.

Was he getting off on fighting with her?

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