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Landon cocked his head to the side. “You do?”

“She’s got energy, right, Libby?” Phoebe continued.

Libby pasted a grin on her face. “She’s definitely got a vibe. I’ll give you that, honey,” her friend answered, sharing aholy shitlook with Raz.

“Her chi is top-notch,” Sebastian chimed.

“I know we’ll be best friends,” Oscar continued. “I wonder if she’ll let me take her picture.”

“And we’ll be in the same class,” Phoebe remarked.

“My heart goes out to that teacher,” Mitch said under his breath.

“What are you doing, Rowen?” Penny asked as her fiancé hammered away on his cell. “Please tell me you’re not watching the Barbie videos.”

“No, I’m on Whitmore’s website making an extra donation to the school.”

“Would you mind adding me?” Landon asked, but Rowen waved him off.

“I’m two steps ahead of you, man,” the tech nerd answered, eyes glued to his phone. “I added Phoebe and Aria’s name to the donation.”

Good call.A Phoebe, Aria, Sebastian, Oscar combo would surely test the limits of the modern education system.

She turned to Landon, again wanting to reach out and touch the man.

But she didn’t.

“Change can be hard on kids,” she said, when his phone rang, and everyone went stock-still.

“Is it her? Is she calling back? Maybe she wasn’t done yelling,” Phoebe offered, tapping her chin.

He checked his phone, and she could see the screen as an image of an older woman with short spiky hair and a no-nonsense twist to her lips flashed on the screen.

“It’s my manager. I need to take this. Excuse me,” he said with a troubled expression. He headed inside the house. “Hey, Mitzi,” he mumbled before his voice faded.

Harper exhaled an audible breath as she deflated from the high-stakes video call. But her relief was short-lived as the weight of, at least on paper, being Aria’s aunt set in.

“Come on, mates,” Sebastian said to Phoebe and Oscar, cutting through the quiet. “I’ll show you my new room.”

The children set off into the house. Once the kids were gone, Penny, Char, and Libby broke out into bubbly giggles.

She stared at the women. “Why are you laughing?”

“Aria is a little Harper,” Penny said.

“She sounds like you,” Charlotte replied.

“I was not that angry and growly,” she shot back.

Libby crossed her arms. “H, you punched a boy on the first day of kindergarten.”

“Yeah, he was teasing you about liking ladybugs and butterflies at recess. Why wouldn’t I have punched him?” she answered, then shut her trap.

OMG, her friends were right.

Landon returned, caught her eye, then zeroed in on Libby and Raz. “Thank you for inviting me over. Unfortunately, something’s come up, and I have to leave.”

“Is everything all right, mate?” Raz asked as the group gathered around the heartthrob, but she hung back.
