Page 54 of Legal Trouble

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“Well, maybe that’s because they are.”

Noah and Ethan turned toward the office door as Detective Hill strode across the threshold, a dark smile in her even darker eyes. Detective Tanaka stood just behind her, two officers in uniform behind him. Blackness crept in from the corners of Noah’s eyes, tunneling his vision. Fear constricted around his torso, and his chest couldn’t fully expand. Memories of the past fueled his mounting panic, and suddenly, he was sixteen again and in a police interrogation room.

Ethan stepped between Noah and the detectives. “What’s all this about?”

“That’s between Mr. Whitlow and the Houston Police Department,” she answered, hardly sparing Ethan a glance.

But Ethan didn’t budge. “Well, I am Mr. Whitlow, and I’d appreciate an explanation.”

Ignoring Ethan, Hill stepped to the right and held a piece of paper out to Noah. “NoahWhitlow, this is a warrant that allows us to search your office.”

The band around Noah’s chest tightened, and when he opened his mouth to respond, nothing came out.

“Don’t say a word,” Ethan said to Noah as he rushed to the door. “Caroline, get Emma up here now.”

“Oh, very good. I was hoping you’d call Ms. Morgan up here to save the day.” Hill smiled at Ethan and then at Noah. “Because I’d very much like her to be here so she can hear all the evidence we’ve amassed against you. As your lawyer and as yoursupposedgirlfriend, she deserves to know what kind of man you really are.”

“Evidence of what?” Noah asked when he finally found his voice.

“Please,” Hill said, as Ethan said, “Noah, I’m serious. Keep your mouth shut.”

Ethan was right. The rational part of Noah knew that, but he was beyond rational thought. “Evidence of what?” Noah repeated.

“Of how you used Emma Morgan,” Hill answered.

“Of course, he didn’t use her,” Ethan said, sounding as if he truly meant it. “You’re way off base, Detective.”

“Am I?” Hill turned on Ethan. “Then why does Franklin Bishop have texts from your cousin telling him to be at Emma Morgan’s house the night of the fire to pick up some mysterious package from her front porch, some supposed settlement offer that would put an end to all these lawsuits?”

“Bull! I didn’t send Franklin Bishop a single letter of text.” The words were out in an explosion of anger, and Noah pointed an accusing finger at Hill. “If you have evidence to the contrary, it’s all lies.”

“Yeah, like we’ve never heard that one before.” Hill leaned into Noah’s personal space. “We have you cold. You initiated a farcical relationship with Emma Morgan for the sole purpose of conjuring a better image for yourself and your company after the Lone-Star Tech acquisition went south, and I can prove it.”

“Y’all are sosweet that I might just slip into a diabetic coma.”

Emma rolled her eyes as she lowered onto her desk chair, but inside, she was all smiles.

“Okay.” Gwen dragged the word out to about three seconds. “Tell me everything, Lady Boss, starting with whether Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome looks as good naked I-R-L as he does in my head.”

“I-R-L?” Emma asked, setting Gwen up.

“In real life! Geez, what rock did you just crawl out from under this morning?”

“No rock.” Emma leaned close, readying to deliver the punchline. “But I did crawl out of Noah’s bed this morning.”

“Oh, I am so cursing you in my head right now! High-fiving you, too, but mostly just cursing.”

Emma laughed. God, this felt good. She’d never had a guy to joke about. She and Gwen had joked about Gwen’s revolving door of a dating life, but never Emma’s lack of one.

Gwen plopped onto the edge of Emma’s desk. “For that, you must give me something good, something more than a tidbit, like describing his body inexplicitdetail. Or, if you have a photo of him sans clothes, that would be even better.”

“Gwen Gregory, you are positively terrible!”

“Yes, yes, this is common knowledge. But what I must know is whether Noah Whitlow—the tall, dark, and delicious one—is the ultimate male in the buff.”

“I will not dignify that by saying anything.” Emma nodded instead.

“I knew it!” Gwen placed a hand on her heart and pretended to swoon.
