Page 53 of Legal Trouble

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By the time he stepped onto the elevator, he already missed her—as if he needed a clearer sign that it was time to tell her he loved her and wanted a life with her. He should have told her the night before, but she’d knocked him flat on his ass when she’d asked him to take her to bed.

After everything she’d been through in her life, she deserved to know how much he loved her. Maybe he could take her to Veranda 62 this weekend and make an extravaganza out of it, give her the entire princess treatment. Lord knew she deserved it, and he wanted to do that for her—for himself, too. After all, this would be a first for him as well. Aside from family, he’d never told another woman he loved her.

When he reached his floor, he had a smile in his heart and a plan forming in his head.

Caroline stood as he neared her desk. “As requested,” she began, falling into step beside him, “I rescheduled your morning meetings.”

“Very good. Does there look to be any blowback?” The last thing he needed was the appearance of scandal or neglect, especially now. The court of public opinion seemed to be coming around on their side, but he didn’t need to fumble any goodwill. Then, there was his uncle to worry about.

“No, sir. Everyone completely understood. Most also sent good wishes to both you and Ms. Morgan.” Caroline’s voice softened, as did her expression. “How is Emma doing? I saw the reports. Her house was destroyed.”

“We got out just after the fire started, so there are only emotional injuries.”

“Good. Is there anything I can do?”

The question sparked an idea. “Actually, yes. Reach out to her secretary and coordinate the best time for Emma and me to get away for a week or two. I was thinking about taking her to Ireland. She’s always wanted to visit there.”

“I’ll get it done before the end of day.” And with that, her softness turned again to steel. “Will there be anything else, sir?”

“I could use an espresso—or eight. I’m dragging today.”

“Consider it done.”

When she left, Noah sat at his desk. He’d just fired up his computer when the door flew open, and Ethan stumbled in. His cousin’s tie was askew, and his hair stuck out as if he’d been wringing his hands through it for hours on end.

Concern had Noah pushing to his feet. “Ethan, what is it?”

“Everything’s going to shit.” The words spat from Ethan’s mouth with so much venom that Noah was surprised they didn’t drip onto the carpet and leave black singe marks. “And I think I need your help.”

Noah took a cautious step toward his cousin, an alarm clanging in the back of his head. Something wasverywrong if Ethan was coming to Noah for help. Yeah, that was something he hadn’t done since they were fifteen, and Ethan had taken his father’s Aston Martin for a joyride and run it into a ditch.

Why did Noah feel as if he were being pulled into a trap?

Ethan turned suddenly to Noah. “Did you sleep with Sara?”

Noah took a literal and figurative step back. “Excuse me?”

“My girlfriend from college. I was planning to propose to her, but then, I found out you slept with—” He stopped and seemed to shake something free from his thoughts. “But then someone I thought I could trust told me you slept with her.”

The puzzle to their friendship’s sudden demise began to assemble itself. “I’ve slept with a lot of women, Ethan. We both have, but I wouldneverbetray you by sleeping with someone you loved.”

“I was afraid you’d say that.” Ethan cursed under his breath. “Ya know, I think things would be easier if you had.”

“What does that mean?”

Ethan evaded. “Is Emma okay?”

“Yes. She’s shaken, but well.”

“Good. Just... keep an extra close eye on her until everything shakes out.”

“Until what shakes out?” Panic increased the volume of the klaxons blaring in Noah’s head. “Is Emma still in danger?”

“I don’t know. It’s just…” Ethan combed anxious fingers through his hair. “Just watch her extra closely, okay?”


“I don’t know,” Ethan said again. “I just have this sick feeling that things are about to go sideways.”
