Page 70 of Heartstone

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“That sounds interesting,” she said.

I started to fill the kettle.Too late, I realized I was supposed to be getting her out of here so Jasper could leave, not inviting her to sit down and wait for a pot of tea to brew.“Or we could go over to the Lodge,” I offered.“You’re probably hungry, we could get a late lunch.”

“That sounds lovely, honey.Oh, I can’t tell you what a relief it is to see you.Let me just put my things away,” she said, heading to the bedroom.

“Oh, mom, wait,” I said, dropping the kettle in the sink with a clatter.She was too fast for me, and I was right over her shoulder when she opened the door.

Jasper was sitting on the edge of the bed, tapping away on his phone.He’d made the bed, I noticed, as neatly as any of the housekeeping staff.His head came up, then the rest of his body when he realized I wasn’t the one who opened the door.

My mother turned to me, eyebrows up.“Edith, there’s a man in your bedroom,” she said evenly.“Were you aware of this, or do we need to call the police?”

“There’s no need for that, ma’am,” he said, stuffing his phone in his pocket and giving her his corporate smile.“My name is Jasper Moreau and I’m the manager of the resort.”

“I see,” Mom said primly, twirling her rolly-bag into the room in a way that firmly said it was staying there.“And do you often spend your workday in my daughter’s bedroom?”

His wide eyes met mine over my mother’s head.He was clearly looking for direction.“I told her that your mother is my private client,” I said quickly.

“Yes.Edie was giving me an update on her treatment.”I realized I was nodding along and forced myself to stop.“It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.I don’t think we realized you were coming to visit.”

“It was a surprise,” my mother said.“I’m Irene, Edith’s mother.”

“I can see the resemblance.You must be very proud of your daughter.”

“Yes, I am.Usually,” Mom said with a pointed look.

I cringed.“Mom, Jasper really has to be going.Why don’t you unpack?I know you hate to leave your dresses folded up in the suitcase.Then we’ll go get some lunch.”

For a moment, I thought she might refuse, and I’d have to remind her I was an adult woman who was allowed to talk to a man, and also that she’d just crashed my vacation.But her ingrained politeness eventually won.“It’s nice to meet you, Mr.Moreau,” she said, then disappeared into the bedroom.

Jasper and I practically collapsed into each other’s arms.“Your mom is here?”

“My mom is here,” I said with a gusty sigh.We were whispering like teenagers.“She’s trying to hide it, but she’s freaking out.”


“Because I’m here, and not in Baltimore.Because I’m off my path.Or maybe I’m just off her path, and she’s terrified she’ll lose me the way she lost my father.”

“Ah,” he said, and I felt his body tense.“She doesn’t know about…us?”

“No, Jasper.I signed your freaking NDA, didn’t I?I haven’t told her anything except that I’m spending some time in Twisted Pines.Which, apparently, has backfired.She’s worried about me because ever since my father died, I’ve been making choices that don’t fit in with my plans.”I sighed, nuzzling into him.I knew the clock was ticking, but I couldn’t seem to let him go.“I can’t explain any of it to her.I can’t even explain it to myself.”

His hands stuttered as they stroked my back.“I…I really have to go.We didn’t actually talk.”

“Too busy,” I said, tipping my mouth up for a kiss.It turned out that neither of us had slaked our lust, because the kiss turned hot instantly.“Fuck it, I’ll be late,” he mumbled against my mouth.

“My mother is twenty feet away,” I hissed.“She’ll be sleeping in my bed tonight.”

“I’ll have reception send out a cot.”

“Same difference.”

He groaned.“How long, exactly, is she staying?”

“Too long,” I said, losing myself in the kiss again.

“Stars,” he said, tearing his mouth from mine.“Ireallyhave to go.But Edie…we’re not done.None of this is done.You said I was playing hot and cold?I want to be clear that I am 100% onboard with hot, if that’s what you want.”

It wasn’t exactly the confession of love I wanted, but I would take it.I could be satisfied with being the object of his desire.I would enjoy it as long as I could and take the memories home with me.“That’s what I want.”

He kissed me once more, hard and quick, before he left.

Jasper had his secrets, which he kept promising to tell me.Until he did, I would keep mine.

Chief among them: the realization that if he asked me to stay, I would.
