Page 87 of Heartstone

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“I think I am,” I said, voice trembling.“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him since the first moment I met him.I’ve never felt anything like this.Just a few days ago, I was thinking that Dr.Barnes would be a better match for me.”

My mother hummed.“I disagree.”

“Yeah, I’ve changed my mind about that,” I assured her with a weak laugh.“None of my other relationships have been this exciting…or this scary.And I liked that.I didn’t want my relationships to take away from my real life, like my studies and spending time with you.But I think what I was really doing was making sure I didn’t care enough about them enough that they could devastate me like Dad devastated you.”I knew the words would hurt her, and I was about to hurt her more.I took a deep breath before I continued.“Now, with Jasper, I’ve been trying to pretend that this is just an interlude away from my ‘real life.’That my ‘real life’ is long hours and a lonely apartment, and I can’t stay here forever.But what if I could stay here and have a real life with him?”

“Did he ask you to stay?”


“How does he feel about this?

“I don’t know,” I said with a laugh.“I’ve been waiting this whole time for him to tell me what he wanted so I could calibrate my feelings with his.I wanted to make sure I wasn’t the only one falling, so I kept yanking myself back from what I knew in my heart.I don’t want to do that anymore.I’ll tell him how I feel, and if he doesn’t feel the same way…well, it would devastate me.But I’d survive, and thrive, just like you did.”

Her eyes filled with tears.“Do you have to move toMontana?”

“Mom, look around.I never want to leave.I want to stay here almost as much as I want Jasper.I’ve got Dad’s house in Missoula.I could live there and get a job at the hospital.It’s only a few hours from here.”Though I knew that even that distance would be hard to bear.”I want to climb mountains and ride horses and watch the sky…and yes, shovel snow and deal with insane wind and whatever else might arise.I’ll be fine, Mom.I’ll be better than fine.I’ll be me.”

Her brows were together, her lips pursed.“I’m very concerned about this, Edith.”

“Mom.Didn’t you just finish saying that you wish you hadn’t judged Dad so harshly for following his instincts?”

Trapped, she sighed.“You’re a grown woman.I trust you to make your own choices.”There was reluctance in her voice, but at least she said it.“It is beautiful here.And I understand how love can make any situation seem better.But I’m worried for you, Edie.What I saw in there was like something out of a nightmare.”

“I know, Mom.But that’s why they need me.No one knows what Dr.Barnes was up to, and I’m the most qualified to figure it out.He has to have records somewhere.You know, if he really did isolate the difference between humans and shifters, it would be an incredibly important discovery.”

“And a dangerous one.”

I nodded.“I have to concentrate on helping Melinda, but I don’t think these wolfmen are going away.The Moreaus are going to have to fight.And I want to fight with them.”

“You are like your father.”For the first time, it sounded more like admiration than admonishment.“He was incredibly curious—too curious, sometimes—but he had a sense of honor, too.He kept his promises, and he stuck to what he thought was right.”

“Maybe,” I said.“But I get my compassion from you.I’m grateful for both of you.”

My mother dabbed her eyes, sighing, then caught sight of her watch.“Well.I have definitely missed my flight now.”

“I told you,” I said.“You could have gone straight to the airport, but no, you wanted to stop in and see Melinda.”

“Maybe I’ll stay another day or two,” she said.“Spend a little time with my daughter in her new life.Though maybe I’ll get my own room.It is close quarters in that little cabin.I can give you some space.”

“That would be great,” I said around the lump in my throat.“I could use your help.And I’d like you to get to know Jasper.”

She glanced back at the clinic.“We should go back in there.I know you said you’d stay with the patients, but I don’t think that’s necessary.I’ll do it.”

“Mom, no.”

“I am used to doing long shifts.I’ve got a change of clothes in my suitcase.And you need to help the family figure out what comes next.”

I tilted my head.I suddenly realized why I’d recognized Jasper’s tendency to prepare his arguments.“Dominic is determined to stay.”

“That’s fine,” my mother said.“In fact, it’ll be good to have him and Melinda in the same place, in case he’s got a concussion.I can watch over them both and the rest of you can go home.”

“That’s too much for you.”

“Two patients?Both of whom are sleeping?Do you know how many I normally handle?”

“I should stay.”

“You should go.Micah is fine, his injuries aren’t serious.But Jasper will need someone to make sure he doesn’t have any lingering concussion symptoms.In fact, you’ll probably need to keep an eye on him all night.”

I buried my face in my hands.“That tone is horrifying.”I peeked up and saw her bobbing her eyebrows like Groucho Marx.“Who are you, and what have you done with my mother?”

She laughed and looked around.The rain clouds had passed, and now the sky was a perfect blue.“I think being here might have changed me too.”
